Italy 24 Press News

“I’m afraid of you”, Giulia Cecchettin’s latest chats with Filippo Turetta

“Just so you can control how much time I spend online and how much of that time is dedicated to writing to you and how much isn’t, okay? Control mechanism: this is sick too. You’re obsessed, you’re a psychopath! You check on me all the timeyou don’t realize, you’re controlling me!”. It’s one of the messages and voice messages that Giulia Cecchettin had sent to Filippo Turetta just a few days before the murder and aired last night by ‘Quarto Grado’, on Retequattro.

“It scares me, because I know what you’re like, I know what you’ve done certain times, I know what you’ve said certain times, and therefore, honestly, telling you now and then about something that you, in general, don’t want me to do, scares me. , okay? – says Giulia in a message -. Because I know you could show up, what you could do… Sometimes you scare me

“I’m behaving based on the serious things you do. Aside from the fact that I was following you too much and I’m getting a little fed up because I also have to get on with my things, but one day, I didn’t say goodnight to you, wow, the end of the world. I started thinking ‘ok, this guy is a little sick, I should take away his goodnight because it’s based only on what I do’ – Giulia continues -. But then yesterday you came to me and said: ‘Ah, but who are you writing to? Ah, are you online?. Ah, who are you talking to? Have you heard from anyone? Look at what I do, you want to know every single thing I do. There are things I want to keep to myself, because I’m scared of what you could do with that information”.

Photos on Turetta’s cell phone

The latest photos of Giulia Cecchettin and Filippo Turetta were taken from the young man’s mobile phone, which show the two at the ‘La Nave De Vero’ shopping center in Marghera, where they went in the late afternoon of 11 November, the same day Turetta killed the girl. They were aired yesterday exclusively by ‘Pomeriggio Cinque News’. On the phone 52 framesfrom 5.50pm to 9.10pm, which marked that afternoon of November 11th.

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