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Tax Deadlines in July 2024, All the Dates to Remember – QuiFinanza

July confirms itself as one of the most intense months for the relationship between tax authorities and taxpayers, with numerous tax obligations and deadlines to be respected. Starting from July 1st, in fact, citizens are required to make important payments and submit fundamental declarations for the correct fulfillment of their tax obligations.

The July tax calendar provides no respite, requiring taxpayers to be careful and punctual to avoid penalties and interest. The changes introduced by the Tax Reform aim to make the system more flexible, but compliance with deadlines remains essential. During the month, in fact, the first tax balances and advance payments must be paid. The Tari declaration must also be submitted within the month.

Taxpayers, including employees and pensioners, must pay the 2023 balance and the first 2024 advance payment of income taxes, including Irpef and flat-rate tax.

Deadlines for July 1st: tax balance and first advance payment

July 1st is a key date for the payment of the balance of taxes for 2023 and the first advance payment for 2024, to be made using the Income/Irap Form. This date also marks the beginning of the block on compensation for taxpayers with registered debts exceeding 100 thousand euros.

News for VAT Numbers: Extension and Increases

Important news concerns the VAT numbers which apply the Synthetic Reliability Indices (ISA). The latest tax reform legislative decree provided for a one-month extension for payments relating to Irpef, Ires, Irap and the incremental flat tax. The new deadline, set for July 31st, has been postponed to August 30th with an increase of 0.40% in interest. An extension that affects approximately 4.5 million professionals.

Model 730 and taxes on foreign real estate and activities

The first of July is also an important term for those who use the model 730 with W frame or in the version without withholding tax. These taxpayers must pay the balance and the first advance payment of Ivie (Tax on the value of properties located abroad) and Ivafe (Tax on the value of financial assets held abroad), in addition to the balance and first advance payment of the taxes paid in the form.

All the dates and deadlines to remember for the month of July

July 1st doesn’t end with income taxes. The 2024 paper income form and the 2024 Imu declaration must be submitted by this date. Furthermore, the second window for requesting exemption from payment of the Rai license fee for the second half of 2024.

Domestic employers should remember the July 10 deadline for paying the INPS contributions relating to the second quarter of 2024. These payments can be made via various methods, including the Io app and pre-populated Mai slips.

From 15th of July, holders of a flat-rate VAT number can join the biennial preventive agreement with the tax authorities. This tool allows you to define taxation for the next two tax periods in advance, via a dedicated online platform.

Il July 16th then the deadline for the quarterly payment of VAT and withholdings relating to the month of June expires.

Il 23 July instead, it is the last useful date for professionals and Cafs to send the 730 forms with documentation delivered from 21 June to 15 July.

Il July 30thFinally, it’s another payday for taxpayers, with two key deadlines:

  • Taxpayers who use form 730 without withholding agent or those tied to the July 1st deadline must pay the balance and the first tax advance, with a 0.4% increase in interest.
  • Deadline for payment of the balance of taxes for 2023 and the first advance payment for 2024 for those benefiting from the two-year preventive agreement.

Also at the end of the month, those who have signed up for the quater scrapping must pay the fifth installment due. This deadline is crucial to maintain the benefits provided by the subsidized definition.

July is also the month in which many municipalities set the deadline for paying the Tari, the waste tax. At the same time, domestic employers must pay the second installment of INPS contributions for domestic workers and carers by 10 July.

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