Italy 24 Press News

20-year-old weighed 30kg, forced to eat neighbours’ waste

He had tied his son to the bed and had beaten him, he had deprived him of food to the point of forcing him to go and rummage through the waste of the neighbors’ house. The whole thing was done by a mother with the complicity of her partner, now both sentenced in Turin to a sentence of 5 years and 4 months, requested and obtained by the deputy prosecutor Cesare Parodi yesterday, Thursday 27 June.

“For four and a half years I have been involved in the protection of the weak, in rare cases I have seen such a dramatic picture: it would have been a matter of hours, not days, and this boy would have died. He was reduced to such skin and bones that I have only seen images like this in concentration camps”. These are the words of the prosecution, reported by the newspaper La Repubblica.

The abuses

The boy, with a mental disability, at the age of 20 had reached the point of weighing 30 kilos, following the repeated mistreatment and deprivation of food suffered by his mother and her partner: he was tied to the bed with straps, hit “repeatedly” and abandoned in “terrible hygienic conditions”. The only witnesses to this terrible event outside his home were the neighbors, who saw the boy enter their property to try to find something to eat in the waste bins they kept in the garden.

When he was taken to hospital, in August 2021, the boy had bruises and bruises everywhere, rope marks on his hands and feet and a swollen and swollen ear, from which, as was noted in the medical record, worms were coming out.

The sentence

Furthermore, according to the prosecution, it is significant that the boy had two sisters who were not in the same condition as him, and that therefore “there was a specific choice to behave like this only with him”. The court condemned the mother and her partner for mistreatment and injuries, suspending the mother’s parental rights and ordering a provisional amount of 25 thousand euros for the boy.


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