Low-income families can get a free photovoltaic system. Here’s how

Some Italian families can have a free photovoltaic system, installation included, thanks to an incentive provided by the GSE called National Energy Revenue.

In total, 200 million euros have been allocated, 100 million euros for 2024 and 100 million for 2025 and of these, each year, 80 million euros are destined for the Regions of Abruzzo, Basilicata, Calabria, Campania, Molise, Puglia, Sardinia and Sicily and 20 million euros assigned to the other Regions and Autonomous Provinces.

The goal is to install approximately 11,000 systems until the funds run out, with a decidedly intelligent logic: the family that receives the system for free will be able to make the most of self-consumption, but the excess energy quota, produced and not self-consumed, is made available for 20 years to the GSE which will use it to re-finance the “National Energy Income Fund”.

Precisely for this reason the system It won’t have a battery and above all it will not enjoy additional incentives such as on-site exchange.

Who can apply for it

The system, writes the GSE, “It is aimed at the construction of photovoltaic systems for domestic use, with a power of no less than 2 kW and no more than 6 kW, serving residential real estate units owned by families in conditions of economic hardship, with the aim of supporting energy self-consumption and promoting the spread of renewable energy.”.

Precisely for this reason, only those who belong to a family unit with ISEE (Equivalent Economic Situation Indicator) less than 15,000 euros or less than 30,000 euros for families with at least four dependent children.

Furthermore, it is necessary to have a valid real right (ownership, surface area, use, habitation) on the real estate unit where the photovoltaic system will be built and to be the holder of the electricity supply contract for the users of the real estate unit for which the installation of the system is requested.

Furthermore, only real estate units registered in group A of the cadastral categories are permitted, with the exclusion of real estate units registered in categories A1, A8, A9 and A10, stately homes, castles and villas are rightly excluded.

How to request it

The map of photovoltaic system builders who can carry out the inspection and installation has been published on the GSE website. There are currently almost 800 builders.

The family that requests the incentive and the installation of the system does not have to pay anything in advance: the contribution is recognized directly by the GSE to the installer and the maximum amount that can be paid is calculated using a fixed amount of 2,000 euros plus a variable amount of 1,500 euros for each kW of installed power.

A 2 kWp system will therefore receive 5,000 euros, a 6 kWp system 11,000 euros..

It is clear that to have the system for free you need to stay within the expected costs, and usually when it comes to incentives the installers eat it by inflating the estimates. Today an honest installer, considering the price of panels decreasing, with 11,000 euros you can certainly install a 6 kWh system and 5,000 euros is a fair price for a 2 kWp system. There are online installers, like Otovo, that push the “free” system.

When to apply

The portal for requests will open at 12.00 on 5 July 2024 and will remain open until 31 December 2024.

The request must be submitted by the person requesting the bonus, possibly with the help of the chosen installer. The request must be made from the portal “National Energy Income – REN” available under the service “Photovoltaic” inside theCustomer Area of the GSE. To access it, all you need is SPID, or alternatively a classic registration.

The requests will be handled in order of presentation.

In the event that the resources run out before the expected date, the GSE will close the 2024 call early, giving appropriate notice on its institutional website.

The portal will reopen only if, following waivers and exclusions, at least five million euros are available, otherwise the appointment is for 2025 when another 100 million euros will be reallocated.

Starting next week, the resource counter for each geographical area will also be published on the GSE website in order to monitor the actual availability of funds.

An excellent initiative, which is self-financed with the proceeds from the sale of energy.

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