Italy 24 Press News

The EU Council begins, ‘no decision without Meloni’ – News

‘No decision on top jobs without Meloni’, says Polish Prime Minister Tusk, of the EPP and one of the mediators of the agreement upon his arrival at the European Council, reducing the tension of the last few days with the Italian Prime Minister to ‘a misunderstanding’. However, German Chancellor Scholz underlines that in the EU, where the agreement is not supported only by Rome, Budapest and Bratislava, ‘all 27 member countries are important’. Hungarian Prime Minister Orban cuts it short: ‘Shameful agreement’. Foreign Minister Tajani, also from the EPP, states that no decision has yet been taken on Italy’s position and calls for an agreement with Meloni’s Conservatives and not with the Greens. He opposed the request of PD leader Schlein: ‘No alliance with Ecr and Id, open to the Greens’.

To know more ANSA Agency Meloni attacks the EU: ‘The appointments ignore the citizens’ vote’. Summit with Salvini and Tajani – Europe – Communications to parliament from the perspective of the EU Council. Abstention on the table. Mattarella: ‘We cannot ignore Italy’ (ANSA)

The spotlight is on the EU summit which opens in the early afternoon in Brussels to decide on the appointments of the highest European positions for the next five years. On the leaders’ table is the proposal developed by the negotiators of the People’s Party, Socialists and Liberals to entrust Ursula von der Leyen – as an EPP member – with a second mandate at the helm of the European Commission. The designation of von der Leyen is part of a package that also includes the choice of the socialist and former Portuguese prime minister Antonio Costa for the presidency of the European Council and the liberal Estonian prime minister Kaja Kallas for the position of high EU representative for foreign policy and safety. There is great anticipation for the position that Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni will take on this package who yesterday, during her speeches in Parliament, openly criticized the method with which the three candidates were designated. Before the start of the work of the European Council, the pre-summits of the three political families (EPP, PSE and Liberals) who currently constitute the so-called Ursola majority will soon begin and will be attended by the leaders and main national figures.

“France and Italy are competing for a leading place in the economy of the next European Commission, a struggle exacerbated by personal hatred between the leaders of the two countries.” The Financial Times reports it. “French President Emmanuel Macron and Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni are at loggerheads because they are both vying for the same prize: a powerful vice-president of the Commission responsible for trade policy, competition and industrial policy,” the newspaper writes.

“Italian officials have listed trade and competition as areas of interest – areas in which Brussels has sole competence – as well as the bloc’s common budget and industry. These are broadly the same areas sought by France According to a diplomat briefed on the negotiations, France is interested in a high-level role in the Commission, with the power to control the political and financial levers to implement defense policy, an emerging priority for the EU von der Leyen has committed to creating a dedicated post, it could be part of the industrial strategy controlled by this post”, we read further.

Rutte, ‘Meloni is not excluded, Rome is well represented’

Giorgia Meloni “is not excluded” from EU appointments and “we must ensure that Italy feels well represented in the new European Commission and beyond”. Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte said this on the sidelines of the European Council. “Once every five years” the leaders of the Twenty-Seven “mainly represent political parties, while during the five years we represent our countries”, explained Rutte, underlining that “the ECR was not involved in this negotiation because many in the coalition” of a “majority” among “people, liberals and socialists think that the Conservatives cannot be part of it”.

Orban, ‘shameful agreement on top jobs, voters deceived’

“European voters have been deceived. The European People’s Party has formed a coalition of lies with the left and the liberals. We do not support this shameful agreement!” The Hungarian Prime Minister, Viktor Orban, wrote it on X.

Scholz, in the EU all 27 are equally important

On the agreement reached between the three political groups EPP, S&D and Renew on the three names for the European summits “the clear hope is, obviously, that they can count on a majority in Parliament”. The agreement “reached between these three party families is only a position, we will discuss it carefully and fairly with our good friends in Europe”. “All 27 are equally important. The European Council and the member states must wisely put forward a proposal that can count on the majority of the Parliament.” German Chancellor Olaf Scholz said this as he arrived at the EU summit in Brussels.

Tusk: ‘We will decide with Meloni’

The negotiations conducted between the three largest groups of the European Council serve “only to facilitate the process here” but “the decision is up to Meloni and the other leaders during the meeting of the European Council. The only intention, and the only reason why we have prepared this common position, is to facilitate this process. And there is no decision without Prime Minister Meloni”. This was stated by the Polish Prime Minister, Donald Tusk, arriving at the summit of European leaders.

“One thing is clear: no one respects Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni more than I do. This is a misunderstanding: sometimes we need political platforms to simplify the process,” said the Polish prime minister as he arrived at the leaders’ summit Europeans where the appointments of EU leaders will be discussed.

Tajani, ‘still no decision from Italy on top jobs’

“There is still no decision on Italy’s vote” on EU top jobs, “negotiations have yet to begin”. Deputy Prime Minister Antonio Tajani said this upon his arrival at the EPP pre-summit.

“Mine is a favorable inclination without any openness to the Greens. I am certainly very perplexed about the duration of the 5 years for the president of the European Council” on the socialist quota, added Tajani.

Weber: ‘It is essential to include Italy in EU appointments’

“Italy is a G7 country, it is a leading country in the European Union. I greatly appreciate all the contribution of the Italian government under the leadership of Antonio Tajani and Giorgia Meloni and this is why I consider it fundamental for the EU” that there is an “inclusive process” on EU appointments that “also takes Italian interests into account”. The president of the EU People’s Party, Manfred Weber, said this upon his arrival at the EPP pre-summit.

Kallas, ‘me next high representative? Calmly…’

“Let’s not move too quickly, in politics there can be surprises.” Estonian Prime Minister Kaja Kallas said this to those who asked her if her appointment as high EU representative was now done. “In Estonia we have a saying: don’t sell the bear’s skin before you shoot it and I certainly won’t do that,” she added.

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