Italy 24 Press News

Germany with a turbo on defense spending. Second mega-contract in a few days: 15 billion for over 2 million ammunition

The Ministry of Defense of Germany intends to conclude a new big contract with the war industry for manufacturing up to 2.3 million rounds of ammunition Of artillery and the Minister of Finance presented to the Parliamentary Budget Commission a framework contract worth 15 billion to be signed with the German Diehl Defense and Norwegian Nammo Raufoss. However, the Commission indicated that it still needs clarification on the raising of funds, underlining that the coalition formed by the SPD, the Greens and the FDP liberals has postponed the presentation of the 2025 budget to mid-July.

It would be the second big contract For ammunition in a few days. German Defense has already concluded one with Rhine metal of the volume of 8.5 billion. In both cases it involves supplying both the German and Ukrainian armies with ammunition, which Germany wants to support in the long term in its resistance to Russian aggression. The Federal Republic will host among other things a Wiesbaden the new command of Born for the international coordination of supplies of armaments and training of soldiers for Kiev. Since the outbreak of the war the Germany it has already given Kiev aid worth around 34 billion euros.

Addressing the Bundestag the Chancellor Olaf Scholz he reiterated full solidarity with Ukraine and hailed as a success the fact that the G7 decided to use the returns from the stocks seized from Russia. “Putin continues to rely entirely on war and rearmament,” the head of government declared. On the recent ones conditions for peace dictated by Russian President Scholz was lapidary: “Anyone who believes that the country, Ukraine, would survive all this, and that it would lead to lasting peace in Europe, must look very hard Russia Today“. The topic has heated up the German Parliament. On the one hand, Scholz attacked the Linke and theSahra Wagenknecht Alliance because – this is the accusation – they skipped the Ukrainian president’s speech to the Bundestag Volodymyr Zelensky a couple of weeks ago. “It was false, cowardly and unworthy of this House,” she said, drawing applause from much of the House.

The secretary of the CDU Friedrich Merzfor example, if on the one hand he did not spare the majority from criticizing national politics, he openly supported their international choices: the Christian Democratic leader highlighted that Russia, China, North Korea and Iran have long constituted a “axis of autocracies” and it is essential that Germany and Europe, while acting with diplomacy, are also prepared, if necessary, to defend themselves with military force. The President of the Bundestag Bärbel Bas she had to work hard to bring the AfD deputies back to calm. Scholz has been addressed as “warmonger” and Merz which “traitor to the country”.

The Minister of Defense Boris Pistorius he wants defense industries to produce ammunition in Germany and increase their production capacities; he has already indicated on several occasions what Germany should not do catch you unprepared and “prepare for war.” The historical reference that hovers in the German public debate is always that of the attempt to appeasement That France and England put into practice with Hitler and which brought the whole world then found itself at war.

According to the latest survey Politbarometer from the ZdF released a couple of weeks ago, interviewing a sample of 1,334 people, the Minister of Defense Boris Pistorius he is still the politician most popular. German public opinion is still demonstrating wide approval to the support for Ukraine, although there are marked differences between the West and the East of the country. 44 percent of those interviewed in the West declared themselves in favor of greater military support for Kiev by the West, 28 indicated that they wanted the level to remain as it had been achieved, and 24 said they wanted it to decrease. In the East the percentages are reversed: 23 percent want more aid, 26 indicate that the level must not change and 45 instead want less aid. On the other hand, only 12 percent of those interviewed expect that this will happen in the next few months negotiations Between Russia and Ukrainewhile 86 percent exclude it.

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