Italy 24 Press News

«He didn’t want the stuffed animal and the book, then the argument in the car»

Rejected him, rejected the gifts. Then the murderous madness of Filippo Turetta towards Giulia Cecchettin. «I gave her, I don’t know, about ten, twelve, thirteen blows with the knife. I wanted to hit her neck, her shoulders, her head, her face and then her arms. She was facing up at me. She protected herself with her arms where I was hitting her. The last stab I gave her was on her eye. It was as if he wasn’t there anymore. I put her in the back seat and we left.” This was stated by Turetta – the young man who killed his ex-girlfriend – in the interrogation report to the prosecutor, made known last night by the Quarto Grado program on Rete4.

Filippo Turetta, fury and rejected gifts

In the confession, made to the deputy prosecutor Andrea Petroni on December 1st, Turetta retraces his relationship with Giulia. «We got together in January 2022, we have always had a beautiful relationship. There was a mini crisis in March 2023, but after two weeks we got back together.” He then reconstructs the evening spent at the «La Nave De Vero» shopping center in Marghera, for shopping and dining, until 11pm. «We returned to Giulia’s house – he continued – but we stopped in a car park in Vigonovo, so as not to let us see. It had happened before, she agreed. I wanted to give her a gift, a little monster monkey. With me I had a backpack that contained other gifts: another stuffed monkey, a small lamp, a booklet of children’s illustrations entitled “Monsters brush their teeth”. She refused to take it. We started arguing. He told me I was too dependent, too clingy to her. She wanted to move on, she was creating new relationships, she was dating another guy, Eric. I screamed that it wasn’t right, that I needed her. That I would commit suicide. She replied firmly that she would not return with me. She got out of the car shouting “you’re crazy, fuck…, leave me alone”».

Filippo Turetta: «Giulia Cecchettin? I killed her by looking into her eyes, she said I was too clingy and she wanted to live without me »

Turetta then says that he was «very angry. Before I went out too, I took a knife from the back pocket of the driver’s seat, I ran after her, I grabbed her arm holding the knife in my right hand. She screamed for help and fell. I leaned down on her, poked her arm. I seem to remember that the knife broke immediately afterwards.”

That would be the knife found broken in a parking lot during the first searches after the girl was reported missing. The story continues with the young man who reports that he took Giulia «by her shoulders while she was on the ground. She resisted. She hit her head. I put her in the back seat. In the car she started telling me “what are you doing? You’re crazy, let me go”. She was lying on the seat. Then she sat down. She touched her head. I was just thinking about driving. Then I started tugging on her and holding her down with one arm. We had stopped in the middle of the road. I tried to put tape on her mouth. I don’t remember if she took it off or it fell on its own because I didn’t put it on properly, she came down and she started running. I also got off. I had two knives in my pocket, and in the car behind the driver’s seat. I dropped one in Vigonovo. I took the other one and ran after her. I don’t know if I pushed her or she tripped. She kept asking for help.” And here are the dozen stab wounds that killed Giulia.


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