Italy 24 Press News

“Elodie? A fortune but no plans for family and children, I’ve already been sick twice”

Andrea Iannone holds back on the possibility of imagining a family with his partner Elodie: “I no longer make long-term plans, in the past everything collapsed for me and it hurt me twice.”

Andrea Iannone he confirms himself to be very much in love with his partner Elodie while holding back on the possibility of thinking about a family. Interviewed by Republic, the pilot answers questions about his girlfriend, but refuses to anticipate plans for the future. “She is light, simple. Cheerful, sunny. How wonderful and how lucky to live with her”, are the words used by Iannone to describe it. Then the stop when referring to the singer’s recent statements regarding the possibility of freezing her eggs:

I won’t answer, don’t fool me: otherwise an absurd drama will begin in the newspapers. Family, children? At the moment I’m focused on my return and my immediate future: I no longer make long-term plans, in the past everything collapsed and it hurt me twice. But definitely, there is also a family in my future.

The two women in the past by Andrea Iannone

Andrea did not specify which women he is referring to when he talks about the two past relationships that hurt him. The best known are certainly those lived with Belén Rodriguez and with Giulia De Lellis, both of his former companions. In both cases, Iannone made no secret of being very much in love but both of those relationships failed. However, it seems that the pilot has remained on excellent terms with both of his ex-girlfriends. Belén recently commented on a photo posted by Elodie in which she appeared next to the motorcyclist, demonstrating that she was rooting for the couple. Giulia also, on several occasions, made it known that she had maintained an excellent relationship with her ex-partner.

Elodie: “Marriage? Strange that two lovers should sign a contract”

Just recently, Elodie had appeared hesitant about the idea of ​​getting married. Interviewed by Vanity Fairthe singer said she was not particularly interested in marriage and added that she had never been interested even when she was very young, having a precise idea on the topic: “I never dreamed of the white dress, not even as a girl, when I was already disturbed by the idea of ​​a woman leaving home only after getting married. It seems strange to me that two lovers should sign a contract: being together should be enough to assert the couple’s rights”.

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