Italy 24 Press News

Conti: ‘The distinction between Young and Big returns in Sanremo’ – News

In Sanremo “I report the division between Nuove Proposte and Big: the Nuove Proposte will not increase the number of Bigs, but they will have their race and the Bigs will have their race”. Guest of Un caffè con Giorgia Cardinaletti, on Rai1, Carlo Conti anticipates some new features of the Regulations of the next festival.

“The winner of the New Proposals will probably be announced on the covers evening”, he adds. “There will be no eliminations, it would be anachronistic”, says the artistic director and presenter, explaining that he does not intend to “throw away” the work of Baglioni and Amadeus, but to make “very small changes”.

“I’m working on my editions (from 2015 to 2017, ed.) also taking into account the great work done subsequently, by Baglioni in his two editions and in the five extraordinary Amadeus festivals that made Sanremo grow.”

The choice of songs is central: “I have always felt a great responsibility: my wife tells me that in my previous festivals I would wake up at night, assailed by doubts about a song that perhaps I had discarded. The ‘steak’ of the festival are the songs, the singers competing, the rest is just a side dish”.

Of the centrality of music, he says, “I also spoke with Amadeus: music, after all, has been the common thread of our life, the rest is putting on a television programme, very important, of course, because Sanremo is like the national team, we all become technical commissioners and artistic directors”.

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The choice of songs for the next Sanremo will focus on the “music that is popular now. I realized at my last festival that something was changing, after the podium formed by Francesco Gabbani, Fiorella Mannoia and Ermal Meta, two artists who the year before they were in Nuove Proposte and a great icon of music: I realized this when in the following weeks the most important news became the record number of views of Occidentali’s Karma, the winning song”, explains Carlo Conti.

Listening to the songs has just begun: “Something is starting to arrive. Only ten years ago, when I hosted my first festival, the CD still arrived, now you get the WhatsApp, the file on the email”, smiles the director and host artistic, explaining that we will get to the heart of listening “between the end of August and September”.

The work for Sanremo “must be organised: the regulations come first, then attention to the New Proposals, then the Bigs, then we decide who will be with me. The entertainment part – he reiterates – is the last thing, the most important thing is the choice of songs”.

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