Italy 24 Press News

Israel on the UN blacklist on children, Netanyahu’s anger – News

The UN places Israel on a blacklist of countries and armed groups it believes have committed serious violations against children in war zones. A decision by the secretary general of the Glass Palace Antonio Guterres – denounced by the ambassador of the Jewish state Gilad Erdan – which unleashed the wrath of the Israeli leadership, starting with Prime Minister Benyamin Netanyahu.

The black list includes for the first time both Israel, with the IDF, and Hamas and Islamic Jihad: the relevant UN report will be officially published at the end of June. The fact is, the media underlined, that a democratic country like Israel finds itself in the company, due to the war in Gaza, of Russia, Isis, al-Qaeda, Boko Haram, Afghanistan, Iraq, Myanmar, Somalia, Yemen and Syria. Previous UN reports had included chapters regarding the conflict with the Palestinians with accusations against Israel of serious violations of children’s rights. But never before had the Jewish State been included in the final annex of the report, which concerns “the parties that did not implement measures during the reference period to improve the protection of children”. This is the actual black list, the listing of which is the responsibility of the UN secretary general.

“The United Nations – Netanyahu denounced – have today put themselves on the black list of history by joining the supporters of the murderers of Hamas”. “The IDF – continued the prime minister – is the most moral army in the world and no delusional decision by the UN will be able to change this reality”. Centrist leader and War Cabinet minister Benny Gantz also spoke of “a new historic low” in anti-Semitism at the UN: “As Israel wages the most just war in its history against monsters who have massacred, raped and kidnapped newborns, women and children in the name of a murderous ideology, the UN – he accused – shamelessly draws false equivalences between Israel and Isis”. Foreign Minister Israel Katz instead branded the decision as “a charlatan act on the part of Guterres: a step that will have consequences on Israel’s relations with the United Nations”.

And as the conflict between Israel and the international community worsens, a government crisis could open up in Jerusalem on Saturday evening. In fact, tomorrow expires the ultimatum that Gantz posed to Netanyahu on May 18th, ordering him to change his strategy in the war on Gaza, starting with the future government of the Strip, under penalty of exiting the national emergency executive. A scenario with many unknowns. Even if Netanyahu can count on a solid majority of right-wing seats in the Knesset, Gantz’s departure would have an indisputable political weight, given that the centrist leader not only has strong ties with the USA but could also bring others into the government – such as Defense Minister Yoav Gallant, who also disagrees with Netanyahu on the future government in Gaza – to make sensational decisions.

This is the picture that US Secretary of State Antony Blinken will find on Monday upon his arrival in Israel on his eighth visit since the start of the war. While the road map relaunched by President Joe Biden remains on the table – who today acknowledged Netanyahu having listened to him on the operation in Rafah – which has currently failed to break the deadlock in the negotiations, although negotiations between Cairo and Doha continue .

To know more ANSA Agency ‘Despite the negotiations, Israel does not give in on anything’ – Middle East – An Egyptian security source reports: ‘One month after the capture of Rafah, the crossing is closed to aid and wounded’ (ANSA)

Hamas Ministry of Health: deaths in Gaza are 36,731

The death toll in Gaza has risen to 36,731, of which at least 77 in the last 24 hours: this was announced by the Hamas Ministry of Health. The injured are 83,530, according to the same source.

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