Center-right splits over surrogacy and inmate mothers – Breaking News

Center-right splits over surrogacy and inmate mothers – Breaking News
Center-right splits over surrogacy and inmate mothers – Breaking News

The center-right is divided over the bill against surrogate motherhood in the Senate and over the security bill on detained mothers in the Chamber. At Palazzo Madama, the amendment by the League, which called for tougher penalties for surrogate motherhood, was rejected by the Justice Committee. The senators from Fratelli d’Italia and Forza Italia, as well as all the opposition forces, voted against it in the evening. Only two senators from the League were in favor. Matteo Salvini’s party had decided not to withdraw the proposal and to put it to the vote, despite the contrary opinion expressed by the rapporteur and the government. In the Chamber, however, in the Constitutional Affairs and Justice Committees, Forza Italia announced that it will not participate in the vote on the amendments to the article of the security bill regarding detained mothers, an article that makes the postponement of sentences for pregnant women or women with children up to a year optional.

Paolo Emilio Russo announced it, explaining that while he shares the reasons that moved the majority, according to FI, children cannot pay the price. “We will ask the Chamber, when the measure is discussed there, to maintain the obligation to defer the sentence or the obligation to serve it in a protected institution for mothers with children between 0 and 12 months to prevent even just one child from being forced to grow up behind bars because of the mother’s faults”, Russo explained. For the Azzurri “it is possible to punish severely those who repeat crimes by using their status as a shield without creating collateral victims, that is, children forced to be born or to spend the first months of their lives inside a prison that is not equipped to accommodate them”.

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