Italy 24 Press News

Last, the pregnant girlfriend Jacqueline Di Giacomo: how the “mother-in-law” Heather Parisi reacted. The comments on Instagram: «Happy birthday grandma»

The first (and only) time it was mentioned…

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The first (and only) time the story between the singer Ultimo and his daughter, Jacqueline Luna Di Giacomo, was mentioned during an interview with Belve. «Happy to be Ultimo’s mother-in-law?», Francesca Fagnani asked Heather Parisi and she replied: «Whose mother-in-law? I don’t know what you’re talking about. We made a family pact, no one talks about private situations. I don’t talk about my story, let alone if I start talking about my daughter’s private things.” End of the matter. Except that the issue is now back on the table because last night Ultimo at the Olimpico announced in front of 65 thousand people that he will soon become a father. The 28-year-old singer-songwriter from San Basilio closed the third date in his city’s stadium by bringing his 24-year-old girlfriend Jacqueline Luna Di Giacomo, daughter of Heather Parisi and orthopedist Giovanni Di Giacomo, on stage in a tight dress to highlight her baby bump.

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