Italy 24 Press News

Prince, the album “Purple Rain” was released 40 years ago

Sor not Forty years have passed since June 25, 1984the day he was released Purple Rainthe album that established Prince as a pop icon. Just a month later, to complete the work, the film of the same name was also released in cinemas. An audio-visual combination that marked an era and continues to inspire generations of artists and fans. To celebrate this special anniversary, the city of Minneapolishome of the late musician, has a series of unmissable events planned.

Concerts and exhibitions to pay homage to Prince

The highlight of the celebrations will undoubtedly be the concerts that will be held in various places in the city, including the legendary club in which Purple Rain premiered in 1983. Fans will also have the opportunity to admire the costume up close, for free worn by Prince in the film. The dress, on display through July 27 at the Minnesota History Center’s Gale Family Library, represents an iconic piece of music and fashion history.

Prince’s house opens its doors to fans

For the most devoted, Paisley ParkPrince’s legendary residence and recording studio, will open its doors for a series of concerts and round tables. A unique opportunity to immerse yourself in the life and art of a musical genius who left an indelible mark on the world music scene.

The song and the album

Purple Rain, the title track of the album of the same name, is an 8 minute and 40 second ballad full of symbolism and deep meanings. Born from an initial idea of ​​a country song, its final draft is due to the influence of Wendy Melvoin and the collaboration with the band TheRevolution. There purple rain represents the end of the world, a moment of purification and new beginning. The color purple is associated with the union of red (blood) and blue (sky), symbolizing death and rebirth. In addition to the legendary song, the album contains other very successful songs as When Doves Cry, Let’s Go Crazy And I Would Die 4 U. The lyrics of these pieces explore universal themes such as love, loss, hope and the fight against evil, confirming the creative genius by Prince.

The film Purple Rain

To celebrate its fortieth anniversary, the 1984 cult film directed by Albert Magnoli and starring Prince, will return to the cinema in a 4K version with extra content. The film tells the story of The Kida young musician struggling with difficulties in life and with a passion for music. Between tormented loves, family conflicts and musical rivalries, Kid will find the his way to success thanks to talent and tenacity. The new version of the film is enriched by eight music videos from Prince, Time and Apollonia 6, for an immersive and complete experience in Prince’s musical world.

The arrival of the musical on Broadway

The great news of this celebration is the world premiere of the musical Purple Rainwhich will be held at the State Theater in Minneapolis before his Broadway debut. The work, directed by Lileana Blain-Cruz and based on the original screenplay of the film, promises to bring to life the emotions and atmospheres of this immortal masterpiece.


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