Italy 24 Press News

“He did it every day…”

Do you know the real reasons that led Al Bano Carrisi to want to end his love story with Romina Power? He revealed it himself some time ago.

Much has been written and said about the love story and the painful separation between Al Bano Carrisi and Romina Power. A chatter that shows no signs of abating, on the contrary. It becomes more and more insistent every day. Theirs was and remains the most beautiful couple in the Italian music scene. A beautiful family that remains today and with it there is an artistic partnership that the two continue to carry forward, satisfying all their fans. In fact, they are present not only in Italy, but scattered in different parts of the world.

It’s almost time and we’ll see them together once again, and Power herself announced it a few days ago on her Instagram profile. By continuing to follow them in every professional move and beyond, do you know what broke this idyll? The disappearance of their first daughter certainly contributed, but there was something else that led Carrisi to want to definitively end their relationship for the good of both and above all of their children: she revealed it publicly some time ago in an interview.

Al Bano during his interview with Belve on Rai 2

Al Bano reveals the real reason for saying goodbye to Romina: what made him leave

A new element is added to the story of the crises between Al Bano Carrisi and Romina Power, whose marriage ended in ’99 after 29 years: marijuana. The singer revealed in one of his last interviews that Romina smoked marijuana up to four times a day, and had done so for years, even before the disappearance of their first daughter Ylenia. She was another person. The singer spoke for the first time about the problem that led to one of the most painful farewells in Italian entertainment. Romina smoked, according to Carrisi even four times a day. She had been doing it for years, even before the mysterious disappearance of their eldest daughter, who disappeared when she was only 23 years old. Albano continued by stating that his wife was happy, but once the effect was over, she became sad and cried.

He was unrecognizable and showed more enthusiasm, passion for life and for everything they had experienced together in all the previous years. That was the inexorable end of their fairy tale. The Apulian interpreter continued by saying that once, to understand what he felt, he too smoked. Subsequently he wasn’t even able to write and this made him understand even more how much he wanted to stay away from that world. According to him it corresponded to moving away from reality and taking refuge in a world which however does not exist, which is only an indefinite and unreal projection.

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