Italy 24 Press News

“I was about to die and I didn’t know anything about it”, Al Bano’s anger

Something truly incredible happened that left everyone speechless. Here are Al Bano’s words that leave no room for misunderstandings.

Al Bano Carrisi he has proven once again that he is for real lion in the field of music and entertainment. His energetic presence and in great form as a judge a Io Canto Family on Canale 5 it silenced all suppositions.

“I was about to die and I knew nothing about it”, Al Bano’s anger – Credit ANSA –

The evening of June 12th saw Al Bano shine on the television stage, but a few hours after his performance, a article sparked panic, talking about a “double operation” on the heart and critical conditions. Here’s the whole truth straight from the singer.

The truth about Al Bano: his condition is healthy

These statements referred to events passed in 2016, when the singer had to give up the Christmas Concert due to two heart attacks. The confusion between past and present has fueled concerns among his fans, pushing Al Bano to intervene directly on social media to dispel any doubts.

With his characteristic charisma, Al Bano denounced the situation by defining the fake news a “rubbish news”, reiterating his excellent health and dedication to work.

Al Bano furious against fake news-Credit

“Once again I am a prisoner of fake news. For those who don’t know what fake news means: rubbish news. Thank God I’m fine (I can prove it), thank God there is a lot of work and I have to do it in a big way because I like it, thank God this news speaks for itself which really sucks. Would there be another better definition? No, it’s crap news, human crap. From Cellino San Marco a big hug, a great load of happiness and good luck always to all of you.”

The episode also sparked a funny backstory: the actress Sophia Loren, worried, called Al Bano after hearing the false news, thus confirming the breadth and scope of these hoaxes. With a hint of sarcasm, Al Bano criticized those who profit from fake news, expressing amazement at their actions and wondering whether they profit from such deceptions.

Al Bano Carrisi has proven to be not only an icon of Italian music, but also a character who faces the false representations of his life with determination and humor. His voice was raised to forcefully deny any insinuation about his health, underlining that the truth, despite everything, always prevails.

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