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A tempting opportunity for old-school metalheads at the Alchemica in Bologna, in the company of the Americans Vicious Rumors and the locals Crying Steel, of which the former are about to offer a live concert strongly focused on the famous debut “Soldiers Of The Night”, an authentic and indisputable jewel of mid-80s heavy metal.
There has been a lot of discussion about the band led by guitarist Geoff Thorpe, especially considering the numerous line-up changes, including the recent exit of long-time drummer Larry Howe, as well as the return of controversial frontman Brian Allen, who has arrived to replace the one who many considered the perfect singer for the band, that is Ronny Munroe who last year had made us enjoy so much on various occasions, including Keep It True. Never mind, unfortunately it is almost an emblematic trait of Vicious Rumors, and as long as these remain capable of creating excellent heavy metal live and on record, they are always given a chance with great pleasure, especially when there are authentic legends of Italian underground metal like Crying Steel as support. Enjoy the reading!

Let’s spend a few words on the very first and young band, i.e REBELS UNDER RAIN, dedicated to a sort of modern hard rock that is at times pleasant, even if perhaps a little out of context on an evening like this, evident also from the not particularly convinced expressions of the bystanders already lined up inside the venue. Nonetheless, we note with pleasure that these guys play their brief part in comedies smiling and with all the necessary enthusiasm, proposing a setlist that is all in all interesting in its role as an appetizer, leaving us with sufficient curiosity to consider being able to test the proposal again in a possible next opportunity.
We continue by increasing the metallic dose in the company of the Piedmontese THE I DON’T KNOW, which some will remember for their musical contribution which took place over a decade ago, with two not bad albums, in their hard & heavy connotation. In particular, what shines through here, in addition to a determination not to be underestimated and more convincing pieces than expected, is the indisputable friendliness of the entire lineup, especially as regards the singer and guitarist Steve Repetto, who does not fail to encourage bystanders to send the band ‘to hell’ at every thanksgiving, as per tradition.
It is also nice to hear the news of the production of a new album, which suggests that this band has not yet decided to throw in the towel, keeping alive the desire to circulate its name in a competitive and, in some ways, a little brutal.
Let’s start getting serious with what is a true institution of the most metal branch of the city of Bologna, namely those CRYING STEEL who have contributed significantly to the cause of Italian-produced heavy metal.
The band led by Luca Ferri and Franco Nipoti is in fact a guarantee of character and sparkling creativity, and the presence of a rather young line-up at their side provides valid support to the live rendition of pieces such as “No One’s Crying”, ” Changing The Direction”, “Fly Away” and so on, all coming from that little gem called “On The Prowl” dated 1987.
Furthermore, the presence of Tiziano Sbaragli behind the microphone cannot help but please us further, as we are well aware of his talent as a singer and entertainer, mindful of what he proposed within other worthy formations (for example, Angel Martyr) , even if his emotion is clear at the thought of sharing the stage with musicians who are, to say the least, adored by us fans of old-school metal from the undergrowth, a genre of which these people from Bologna have been proud supporters for a long time and always demonstrate it live too .
We could discuss the sound of the guitars not always being set to the best, but this is a flaw that affects very little what was done this evening.
We arrive at the main course of the evening while in the background the first chimes of “Ride (Into The Sun)” ring out, the opener of the aforementioned debut album by VICIOUS RUMORSwho appear on stage with appetite and gnashed teeth, ready to show off some healthy American-style heavy metal, as well as to commemorate that same “Soldiers Of The Night”, considered by many to still be one of the highest peaks reached by reality Californian, even if we continue to consider the various “Digital Dictator” and “Welcome To The Ball” released shortly after to be superior, without obviously forgetting the self-titled product released in 1990.
There are very few criticisms to make about the set list: some might complain that the choice to focus on a specific album can take away space from other valuable anthems, but the occasion is specifically designed, and we believe there is very little to complain about , also because in the second half of the show there will be no shortage of the various and inevitable “Minute To Kill”, “Abandoned” and “Hellraiser”, without mentioning the final and stainless “Don’t Wait For Me”.
All this despite the suffocating heat and some technical problems with one of the guitars and the drums; in this regard, the young Gunnar Coston behind the drums appears evidently excited and still not entirely on the piece, so much so that the frontman becomes his assistant several times, giving him some assistance to best interpret the rhythm section required by the pieces proposed.
There is also room for the recent “Murderball”, probably wanted by Brian Allen himself, as it comes from the first album he recorded in the company of Geoff and his associates, who here take no prisoners and promote an excellent performance, full of everything that is so dear to us by someone who, regardless of the commercial response, is a fundamental piece of old school underground metal.

Vicious Rumors Setlist:
Ride (Into The Sun)
Soldiers Of The Night
March Or Die
In Fire
Blistering Winds
Digital Dictator
Minute To Kill
Worlds And Machines
Down To The Temple
Don’t Wait For Me

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