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Elodie: “Those who criticize me because I undress don’t understand the dignity of my choices. I’m thinking of freezing my eggs”

Elodie Di Patrizi, aka just Elodie, is the protagonist of the new issue of ‘Vanity Fair’. A few days after the release of the summer single, ‘Black Nirvana’, and the flash mob in Piazza San Babila in Milan that went viral on social media, the Italian pop star talks unreservedly about herself in an exclusive interview. From the time she received unwanted advances as a young girl to the gender gap in the music world. From her body as a political message of a free woman to the profound meaning of the word dignity. From the son you are thinking about egg freezing. From the first kiss to the mother’s imminent wedding. From her great love for Andrea Iannone to when she said that no one else would be like her ex Marracash. Moving on to ‘Sanremo 2025’, which no, you will not co-host.

The first timid rumors, after the official investiture of Carlo Conti at the helm of Sanremo 2025 and 2026, also give her co-host of the next Festival together with Annalisa. Would you repeat the experience? “No – replies the singer – now I’m focused on the music. Then who knows, I always welcome what comes. For Annalisa it would be a good thing”.

What stage is gender equality in the discography? “There are many more women in the rankings than five years ago – explains Elodie – we are all working to overcome the gender gap, even men with a certain intelligence. I think back to when I started this profession: the idea of ​​an exuberant femininity I didn’t immediately find people who understood my desire to use my body like Raffaella Carrà and I’m not comparing myself to her, I had to discuss, in the environment they wanted me to be in my place I would limit myself to making light music and that’s it.”

So did you experience any episodes of sexism? “Yes – continues Elodie on ‘Vanity Fair’ – it’s just that sometimes it’s complicated to realize it at the moment.” The Cannes Film Festival, which has just ended, has brought MeToo and harassment in cinema back into the spotlight. Is it different in music? “As far as I’m concerned, it’s a healthy world,” she says, “I’ve never been a victim of harassment. As a child, however, while I was a waitress, I came across an employer who wasn’t gentle.” How did you react? “I moved over and said to him: ‘What are you doing?’. Then I took him aside and tried to explain to him that it wasn’t the way. He didn’t want to understand, he belittled: ‘It’s a joke between me and I left him there in his shame.”

Is she a permissive woman? “I’m a bit of a sergeant – reveals Elodie – with my partner (the motorcycle rider Andrea Iannone, ed.) and with the men I’m close to. For every gesture that makes me ring the alarm bell of the patriarchy I demand explanations: ” What does that mean?”. I am convinced that, only by highlighting wrong attitudes day after day, they can be corrected.” Is it easy to be with the Italian pop star? “I’m not a star! I’m demanding and capricious, yes – she underlines – I need attention, a lot of it. Andrea gives it to me. He’s sweet. He understands desires, limits, the desire to do more and more at work. And he’s my best Friend”.

No wedding for her? “I don’t know, it depends on how things are done. It can still be a party – he explains – Now it’s my mother’s wedding. For the occasion she asked me to sing a song a cappella and I die, because It embarrasses me: my impetuosity hides a form of shyness. But I just can’t back down.” Do you want children? “I’m thinking about it – reveals Elodie – I’ve also taken into consideration the possibility of freezing the eggs”.

Have you ever regretted the words you dedicated to your ex, Marracash, when he participated in Peter Gomez’s program The Confession, or that no one else would have been up to him? “I don’t regret what I did or said in the past, because it brought me to today, which for me is indispensable – continues Elodie – It brought me Andrea, who I really didn’t expect and who I love so much. Time gets better everything and offers even more incredible things.”

Elodie is sexy and magnetic, a truth recognized by men and women. “Oh God, it’s often women who are scared by how I use my body, which is a form of freedom. They don’t understand the dignity of my choices – says the singer – And they believe that this way I don’t leave room for words, instead I’m a to be speaking.” And she just said a beautiful word: dignity. “There’s a bit of confusion about what it is. It’s inner cleanliness. It’s showing yourself in the truth, even when it’s an ugly truth. I have great dignity. That’s why I love myself, in the morning I look in the mirror and I’m serene “, concludes Elodie.

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