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It’s easy to say NWOTHM: epic metal edition |

Very convinced i BRONZE by Mina Walkure, even now that, after some changes in lineup and name (before they were Kramp), they are half Swedish and no longer totally Spanish. Allegrotti they are, but not just for the Iberian side. The guitarist, Cederick Forsberg, they have in common with Blazon Stone, who play metal Tetesco from a tavern, even if they are Swedish. In Chains and Shadows meanwhile it is the debut of this formation here. A heavy metal album not too power, not too epic. Clean and cheerful, I said. Not exactly my mead horn. Keeps you company, catchy. Carucci, in short. Task done well, with enthusiasm and with the means available.

The name dei is going around a lot, among those most attentive to the sub-sub-subgenre WRITHEN HILT. For now for a demo/EP, but of good quality. Traditional metal tending towards epic/fairytale, but quite wiry. I won’t go too far because, if the workmanship is very good, the personality still doesn’t stand out. And the songs don’t overwhelm. But oh, Ancient Sword Cult It’s a debut EP, so what can you expect. Sure enough to write down the name, for the foreseeable future. One of the members comes from Flame Dear Flame, who make quite particular epic doom. Who knows, maybe they’ll turn up again too.

We understand that if there is epic metal that comes from Greece or similar (see Cyprus), it should be taken seriously. Take these ACHELOUSfrom Athens, who with this Tower of High Sorcery they have reached the third album. The previous The Icewind Chronicles, in 2022, I remember I didn’t mind it at all. Well, at first this album also takes well. The first songs have that D&D epic power tone, very strong and well balanced between power and atmosphere. Then progressively a little is lost and a little is repeated. Good, basically, overall. A bit for those who appreciate that universe and those sounds there. A little less for the others. But not bad.

They also showed up again RIDERS OF ROHANwhich in these parts they already liked it. This time they do it with an EP, With Hope or Without…, which confirms all the good things that were said at the time of the debut of the three Tolkenian Swedes. Succulent EP. Our guys play a New Wave Of Traditional Heavy Metal Melodic Hard Rock’NRoll which, in fact, has little steel, but it is not a problem at all (let’s not mislead). Fruitful sub-strand, among Tanith, Blood Star, Bergfried and these here. To Name a Successor has energy for an entire album, If I Could Love it starts out hard and develops almost sexy, very Kissian. Ranger Song And Cowboy Song by Thin Lizzy (with different lyrics), which gives us a nice coordinate. Giving Up The West a tense r’n’r between choirs and counter-choirs and energetic riffs. Of today’s lot it’s the best album, and it’s a pleasure if it’s also the least metallic overall.

The Lusitanians are much more orthodox DOLMEN GATEwho we had already met on the occasion of his debut EP, the other year. Heavy epic paced, belligerent, led by a maiden. Well, same coordinates for this too Gateways of Eternity, which actually also includes the setlist of the EP. What is valid already noted at the time remains valid. Ours are a solid and orthodox team, I was saying, melodic and tough enough. Those half-Portuguese suggestions that I wanted to hear at the time don’t actually come out that much on the whole album. Which is a good album, it follows the path of classic historical groups for the genre and they don’t deviate from them in any way. Good songs, all a bit homogeneous, but good. Some more than others. I like the tone of the singer Ana, even if I recognize that she is not yet at the level of magnetism that she would like for a genre like this. The whole band needs to grow a bit, but on bases that are already above the average of a debut from “NWOTHM Full Albums”. Because oh, it’s a debut anyway, let’s not forget. Promoted for now. (Lorenzo Centini)

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