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Jon Hamm turned down a DC role and confirmed interest in the MCU

Jon Hamm was offered the character of Green Lantern in the DC universe, but he didn’t accept: today he’s aiming for the Marvel universe.

Not all stars dream of playing just any superhero. Jon Hammfor example, not long ago had the opportunity to integrate into the DC universe, when he was offered the role of green Lantern. But that character probably didn’t work in his eyes, which is why he decided to decline the offer and patiently wait for another offer, this time from the MCU. From his point of view, Jon Hamm would even have already selected the roles that could be right for him. Being a fan of comics, the actor of Mad Men he said he is extremely interested in the Marvel Cinematic Universe and would even narrow down the selection by highlighting some characters he would like to play on screen. What are they?

Jon Hamm rejected the role of Green Lantern and dreams of the Marvel universe

To the microphones of The Hollywood ReporterJon Hamm revealed that some time ago Warner Bros had offered him a role for the DC universe: that of green Lantern. Unfortunately the actor was not interested in the role, so he preferred to refuse. Today, however, he would be strongly interested to the Marvel universe. In this regard, he specified that he was in contact with the right department:

It’s not like they were saying, ‘We want you to be Iron Man.’ But I had many conversations, still have many. I talk to those who deal with Marvel and DC. Then again, I’m a comic book nerd, so we’ll see. That part of the industry is changing too.

Regarding Green Lantern, Jon Hamm said that at the time he was not interested in that character and that today he would like to debut in the Marvel universe. Not long ago, in fact, the actor had expressed a certain interest in the Doctor Doom in the Fantastic 4. Plus she admitted she already had selected a series of characters he would like to play on screen and all taken from Marvel comics:

That [di Lanterna Verde, ndr] it was definitely a film I didn’t want to make. But I applied for a couple of roles in the Marvel universe, I don’t want to say which ones exactly, but it was a part of a comic that I really liked. I asked, ‘Are you going to do this story?’ and they replied: ‘Yes, we’re thinking about it’. So I relaunched with: ‘Good. Then I should be the person you are looking for.’ So who knows, maybe it will work.

During the speech, the actor then mentioned Jeff Goldblum, an actor who has varied his career and who has also given himself a prominent role in the MCU. In fact, the public will remember him as Great teacher in Thor: Ragnaroka character who greatly hindered the protagonist of Chris Hemsworth. TO The Hollywood ReporterJon Hamm revealed that he would like to follow his example:

I think about Jeff Goldblum’s career, I know him a little, and I think, ‘How wonderful to be able to do all the things he did.’ He had his star phase, he was part of Marvel coming in and stealing the show, then he does commercials and he’s so funny. I can see that he is happy. So, more or less consciously, I am trying to shape my life to be like this: varied, happy and satisfied.

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