Italy 24 Press News

here is the disturbing detail that few had noticed

A detail from the Dreamworks animated film about the big screen’s most beloved green ogre has gone viral thanks to a fan.

The so-called cinematic detective Ivan Mars has brought to light a sinister detail from Shrek, the classicDreamworks animation from the early 2000s, which tells the compelling story of a green, grumpy and lonely ogre who falls in love with Princess Fiona. The work of the fifth film of the saga is currently underway but the passion of the fans does not only look ahead.

Mars highlighted a detail online that no one other than fans had noticed before and which is concerning Goldilocks Mama Bear and the three bears. In a Shrek sequence, all three bears are in a cage, having been captured by Lord Farquaad’s soldiers. In a later sequence, Papa Bear and Baby Bear look sad as they hug outside Shrek’s house.

The fate of Mama Bear

Several sequences later Lord Farquaad’s chambers are shown and on the floor of the chamber is a carpet that looks just like Mama Bear, with its characteristic bow. Although avid Shrek fans were already aware of this detail, several viewers were able to discover it thanks to the clips that went viral, which recalled the macabre humor inherent in the film. Tonight, Saturday June 1st at 9.20pm on Italia 1, Shrek and they lived happily ever after, the fourth chapter of the franchise, will be broadcast.

Fiona and Shrek in a romantic scene

There revelation shocked quite a few fanswith several comments between black humor and shock:“Imagine knowing that your mother is someone’s bedroom carpet” or users who say they can no longer sleep after discovering this detail:“Today I found out that Goldilocks’ Mother Bear in Shrek is dead, and I think that thought will live in my mind forever.”.

The first Shrek film was released in theaters in 2001 and tells the story of the ogre Shrek, who together with his new friend Donkey tries to save Princess Fiona to try to regain ownership of his swamp invaded by fairy-tale creatures, opposed by the evil Lord Farquaad.

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