Italy 24 Press News

“Strengthening of the Chivasso – Casale

Following the publication of the article on the expansion of the Chivasso – Casale Monferrato – Alessandria railway line, we received this letter from one of our readers who expresses all the discomfort of commuters who have to use the train to go to work. We publish it in full.

“After reading the news – writes our reader – about the expansion of the Chivasso-Casale-Alessandria railway line I felt a certain sense of discouragement, which I will try, in my limited capacity, to verbalize”.

“The meaning is mockery: “small but significant concrete step”, “an improvement in rail connections”. I have the vague suspicion that the authors of these statements have not taken a train for years, otherwise they would know well that the problem for us commuters is not, to simplify, having two more trains, at dawn and dusk, to and from Alessandria: the problem is that the trains arrive at their destination!”

“For a long time now, I have been getting up in the morning at pre-dawn hours with the question: “Will I get to work today?”, and once I have left work (if I have arrived) I ask myself: “What time will I get home this evening?” ; and since I have to take multiple changes to get to my destination, almost every day somewhere there is a delay, a blockage, a breakdown, looking at the clock with growing anxiety, and finally running breathlessly from one platform to the next. other: stress, stress, stress it’s still stress”.

“I also underline the fact that despite having an expensive train pass, I have now lost count of how many times, in order not to be stuck somewhere for hours and hours, I have been forced to take some private company vehicle; with obvious additional expense” .

“With these few lines written from the gut I do not want to stir up controversy, I am just a simple ordinary citizen who has been educated in ethical-legal culture, who sees huge amounts of money deducted from his paycheck every month that should go to contribute to the improvement of public affairs, including I imagine – but I could be wrong – also the State Railways: and that’s fine as it is, but I would at least like the taxes I pay for public affairs to allow me to get to work to earn that same money that will then be converted into taxes to pay for public affairs…logically twisted, right?”

“As regards Casale specifically, and the problem of the lack of trains on Sundays, well, it’s a wound too well known and, I dare say, very shameful, for me to spend further words that others, more informed and eloquent than me, have already spent in vain over many years”.

“I conclude with a warm, very warm invitation to the authors of the aforementioned declarations, as well as to all the managers, bureaucrats and similar in the sector, whose salary I am always the taxpayer to pay, to move around the territory by rail, even just, let’s say, for a couple of weeks; just to empathize a little, try the extraordinary and exciting experience of being a commuter worker, and above all live, see, hear and even smell part of what they are paid monthly for…vain hopes “.

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