Italy 24 Press News

Sel’s debt of 73 thousand euros for employment – ​​Il Tempo

Thomas Manni

June 29, 2024

Nicola Fratoianni and his party have a debt of 73,187 euros for a dispute promoted by the INPS “in response to an alleged abusive occupation of a property owned by the institute by a local club”. The news published by Open finally provides an explanation for why the leader of the Italian Left Nicola Fratoianni continues to defend Ilaria Salis on illegal occupations. He too was, in some way, an occupier. According to Open, «the disputed illegal occupation dates back to 2016, when the party was still called Sel but already had Fratoianni as national coordinator. Then in 2018 Sel dissolved and merged with the Italian Left, also bringing with it its economic and legal affairs” we read in the newspaper directed by Franco Bechis.

The news has sparked reactions from the political world. “God makes them and then pairs them up. If Sinistra Italiana has strongly supported Salis’ candidacy, it is really no coincidence. The SI headquarters in Rome are also in arrears for over 73 thousand euros. It is truly a scandal and obviously Fratoianni and Salis don’t give a damn about being illegal, given that they are making free occupation their battle. However, Salis and Fratoianni should know that illegal occupation remains a crime and therefore we expect those in charge to follow through on what the law provides and that the debts accrued are immediately cancelled because it is a disgrace for honest citizens who are in difficulty from a housing point of view,” declared the deputy vice president of Fratelli d’Italia in the Senate, Raffaele Speranzon.

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