Italy 24 Press News

“It will distance Calabria from the rest of the country”

Maria Elena Senese, general secretary Feneal Uil Calabria

June 29, 2024 10:23 AM

“A reckless reform that will distance Calabria from the rest of the country”. The general secretary of Uil Calabria says it, Maria Elena Senese, regarding differentiated autonomy. “A political tip to a government ally – he writes in a note – which will mark, even more, the fate of the Calabrians. This is, but unfortunately not only, differentiated autonomy. For this reason we express deep concern for this reform which could have devastating consequences for key sectors such as health and education, further aggravating the already evident regional disparities and, as done in unsuspecting times, we ask for an immediate rethink by the legislator.

For this reason – he announces – we will be present in the workplace, in the territorial assemblies to explain our choice to be among the promoters to call the referendum to repeal this unjust law. For this reason, the Uil, consistently with its settings and always ready for dialogue and discussion even when this becomes harsh, will not shy away from the regional tables that will be convened on the topic and on this we ask the Calabria Region to open an interlocution within a short time , but will oppose the application of this Law with all its strength and in all the democratic forms available, also through a direct commitment to the establishment of referendum committees for its repeal. In this way it will intersect with the action of other trade union, social and political forces that believe the unity of the country, the universality of rights, the dignity of people, are indispensable elements for a country that wants to be united, a beacon of democracy and a strong subject for the affirmation of these principles in the European and global context”.

According to Senese, “we must not forget, in fact, that the 2024 economic maneuver, in discontinuity with the previous Budget Law, does not determine the economic resources in the current account aimed at guaranteeing, through the institution of the equalization fund, the homogeneity of social and citizenship rights throughout the country. This, then, when the Government has already chosen to cut the remittances destined for the equalization fund which has been dried up and reduced from over 4 billion euros to just over 800 million. One of the sectors most affected by the reform of differentiated autonomy will inevitably be healthcare”.

“With differentiated autonomy, the richest regions – continues the trade unionist – could decide to increase funding and improve health services at the local level, leaving less wealthy regions, such as Calabria, behind. This scenario will lead to the creation of a two-tier health system, where citizens of the South will have access to lower quality services than those of the North. In Calabria, the health situation is already critical, with hospital facilities often lacking and waiting times for medical services unacceptably long.

The differentiated autonomy reform will increase health tourism towards the Northern regions, where services will be better. This migratory flow of patients not only represents an additional cost for Calabrian families, but further weakens the local healthcare system, creating a vicious circle that is difficult to break.

All this – Senese points out – while local medicine is struggling to take off and, even when hospitals and community homes see the light, the system risks not working due to the serious shortage of personnel that already affects our healthcare system regional for which an injection of young professionals is necessary and can no longer be postponed.

Education, then, is another sector that risks suffering serious consequences. Calabria can and wants to do it on its own – says Senese – but the continuous cuts to educational institutions, the mergers that reduce the spaces of the training offer, penalizing the internal areas of our region even more, and the lack of professional development risk demolishing who is one of the pillars of the Calabrian educational community”.

Uil Calabria calls for “an immediate rethinking of the reform of differentiated autonomy and believes it is necessary to intervene, at an institutional level, to block the harmful effects of this rule. It is fundamental – it states – that national policies promote territorial equity and guarantee equal opportunities to all citizens, regardless of the region of residence. Calabria needs, among other things, modern and efficient infrastructure, targeted investments, efficient healthcare and an education system capable of meeting modern challenges. Only in this way – he concludes – it will be possible to reduce the gap between North and South and build a future of development and prosperity for the whole country”.

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