Italy 24 Press News

It’s not foot pain, it’s road sickness

They are everywhere, but you recognize them especially at the weekend: women who have chosen to go out wearing a nice pair of heeled sandals and now, on via Luca Giordano as on via Toledo, on the seafront as in the historic centre, they are wondering who gives them to them he had it done. Whether they walk like 18-month-olds or move with tap-dancing steps, theirs isn’t foot pain: it’s road sickness. And style has little to do with it. When your heel gets stuck between two unsteady slabs, the pavement changes three times in a hundred metres, going from wobbly cobblestone to uneven asphalt, and you don’t know if you have to first dodge dog poop, a hole, the root of a tree, a moped. , a small table or the oily patina in front of a chip shop, the issue of walking on heels concerns all Neapolitans, not just women, and opens up to other, much more important issues. Maintenance, for example.

But if our city has discovered that it can capitalize on practically anything, perhaps even the impassability of public streets with a pair of heels could have a market. Personally, I dream of creating a guide to Naples with specific routes for each type of lift: plateau, stiletto, wedge. But why not think about shoe shops specializing in road testing, like for racing car tires? Or, in line with the tourist attraction, you could open the luggage storage to shoes: when you can’t stand it anymore, go there and change them for a nice pair of slippers.


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