Italy 24 Press News

minutes embarrass the majority on the control over subsidiaries

The center-right raised the issue in the city council, presenting an amendment – then rejected – to avoid outsourcing and amend the policy document relating to the similar control of investee companies and the adaptation of the statutes to current regulations.

“You provided the cards,” said the group leader of the Brothers of Italy, Claudio Amorese, addressing the majority. “Don’t you remember the last Council, when you all panicked? I got a copy thanks to some of your advisors. Where is the transparency you praise so much?”

Councilor Antonio Pio Mancini of Emilianisti confirmed that the opposition had provided copies of the minutes in the previous session, highlighting concern over the release of confidential documents. “The thing I’m most interested in understanding is how these minutes ended up in the hands of the opposition in such an elusive way,” he commented.

Opposition civic councilor Giuseppe Mainiero criticized the “managerial rushes” regarding market research on the outsourcing of services without the Council’s consent.

Within the majority, some voices have opposed the outsourcingincluding the PD group leader, Lino Dell’Aquila, and the councilor of Southern Italy, Pasquale Cataneo.

Councilor Davide Emanuele downplayed the importance of the minutes, explaining that it was only a preliminary request. “During the similar control meetings, the difficulty in following some steps emerged, so the request for external support was made. However, such a request must always be approved by the City Council,” he clarified.

The resolution aimed to regulate the exercise of similar control within the Municipality and to provide a guideline to adapt the statutes of the investee companies to current regulations, allowing the Board of Directors to be expanded to up to five members. Despite the opposition, the process was started with 19 votes in favour. Mayor Maria Aida Episcopo assured that costs will remain unchanged.

Some members of the Boards of Directors will receive compensation of around 300 euros, a sort of expense reimbursement. On the subject, the Democratic Party group leader, Lino Dell’Aquila, underlined that money does not always have to be the priority, highlighting the volunteer work of many professionals.

The opposition civic councilor, Antonio De Sabato, responded caustically: “It almost makes me want to ask for the minimum wage for future members of the Board of Directors.”

FoggiaToday reports it.

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