Italy 24 Press News

a 17 million euro project

It was 1973 when the fruit and vegetable market was inaugurated. Now, from 45 thousand square meters in via Borgo Palazzo it expands to 70 thousand. By clicking on the Bergamo mercati website you can find the greengrocers and gardeners who work there, some with a couple photo. The map shows 48 stations.

In addition to the expansion, the project includes the retraining. A new area will be built refrigerated platform with links to wholesaler shelters. The first phase of the works concerns them, with an investment of 10 million and the completion by the end of 2026. The second phase will be the redevelopment of the management and commercial building, with an investment of approximately 7 million.

The market is transformed into a changing urban context, with the train to Orio al Serio airport, the doubling of the railway and, closely linked to the fruit and vegetable market, a new railway underpass that will be grafted onto a system of four roundabouts around the new perimeter. The president of Bergamo Mercati, Giacomo Salvi: «We know that we can count on the support and active collaboration of all the shareholders, but above all on the sharing of the economic operators for a project that will significantly improve their work». Beyond the city projects financed with the Pnrr, the market, says the former mayor George Goriintercepts the needs «of an increasingly demanding and competent public, which is increasingly looking for healthy, zero-kilometer food».

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