Italy 24 Press News

Weather in Verona, weekend with heat and mugginess. Then the storms return

Weather forecast for Verona for the weekend.

Hello friends of Weather 4 Veronahere we are again this week with the appointment of the weather forecast for Verona and its province for the weekend.


In our areas we are witnessing a partial recovery of thesubtropical high pressure.

Weather forecast for the weekend in Verona.

Per Saturday fair weather in the plains with mostly sunny weatheralthough some modest passing clouds will be probable, while towards the mountains and eastern Veneto there could be some scattered showers or brief thunderstorms. In the north-western areas (Piedmont/West Lombardy) Instead, storms of even strong intensity are expected. Temperatures slightly above average, around 21° as minimum, around 32 or 33° as maximum, there will also be a rate of high humidity so we will also feel stuffy, weak or locally moderate easterly winds. For Sunday weather always discreet in the plains with a clear prevalence of sun, while in the mountains phenomena of instability may still occur as they are lapped by more humid oceanic currents, winds that will be weak or at times moderate westerly, temperatures falling a couple of degrees in maximum values ​​compared to the day before.


For the first of the week the weather will not be completely stable yet, in fact there could be occasional passages with some showers or thunderstorms more probable and present in mountain areas, however to date they do not seem as incisive and intense as those seen in recent days; temperatures will drop slightly in the highs with values ​​below 30° in the plainsweak or moderate westerly winds.

In the image: the pressure at altitude and on the ground forecast for Sunday morning (ICON-DWD by

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