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Trento and its province: a platform for festivals and events

From economics to wine, through tech and sports. The Trentino capital focuses on events to promote itself. And the publishers put their know-how to work

Trentino has become a platform for festivals, which involve newspapers and journalists at the forefront. After the Trento economics festival, hosted by Sole 24, which concluded a few weeks ago, appointments involving wine and wineries have already been set on the calendar, with Corriere della Sera, Wired’s impossible challenges in Rovereto, and, in October , the Gazzetta will liven up the capital with the Sports Festival.

“Our goal is to have tourists throughout the year and we can do this thanks to events,” explained the provincial tourism councilor, Roberto Failoni, at the presentation of Trentodoc, one of these initiatives. With words which, however, go beyond the food and wine event, well summarize the spirit that animates this organizational and promotional activism to give visibility to the territory.

September in the cellar

In the midst of the grape harvest, there will be the third edition of the ‘Trentodoc Festival’, scheduled from Friday 20th to Sunday 22nd September in Trento.
Organized by the Trentodoc Institute, the autonomous Province of Trento and Trentino Marketing in collaboration with the Corriere della Sera, under the artistic direction of Luciano Ferraro, deputy director of the Corriere, the event includes over 40 events spread across the city, including tastings and meetings. In addition to the possibility of visiting vineyards and cellars.

In parallel with the Trentodoc Festival, Trentodoc in Cantina will be held, with almost a hundred events organized by 42 sparkling wine producers, out of the 67 that are part of Trento Doc.

Wired’s challenges

From September 26 to 29, the focus shifts to innovation and tech with the ‘Wired Next Fest’. The stage for the four-day event will be the city of Rovereto, which last year was the protagonist of an edition that registered over 10,000 attendees.
The theme is ‘Impossible challenges’, “those that have pushed human beings to accomplish extraordinary feats throughout history”, explained Federico Ferrazza, director of Wired Italia.

After an initial meeting – on the 26th – between local businesses, on the challenges and opportunities that technological progress presents, the festival opens up to the whole city, with events, meetings, conferences, press reviews, masterclasses and workshops .

Sports in October

From 10 to 13 October there will be the Trento Sports Festival. Organized by La Gazzetta dello Sport and Trentino Marketing, with the Autonomous Province of Trento, the Municipality of Trento, the University of Trento, the Apt of Trento and with the patronage of CONI and the Italian Paralympic Committee, the seventh edition is entitled ‘Born to Win’.

Confirming the structure of past years, the program of meetings and debates is also scheduled for 2024, spread across various city locations, enriched by practical camps in the squares. Among these, for the first time there will be a camp dedicated to Paralympic sports, created in collaboration with CIP, to allow everyone to approach Paralympic sport and practice different disciplines without any barriers.

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