Italy 24 Press News

The “numbers” of the Fiamme gialla in the province of Ragusa

RAGUSA – Incessantly, throughout 2023 and in the first 5 months of 2024, the commitment of the Guardia di Finanza in the territory of Ragusa and its province. In this period, the Iblee Yellow Flames have carried out 932 inspections and 746 investigations to combat economic and financial crime and the infiltration of crime into the economy: an “all-round” commitment to protect families and businesses, destined to intensify further to ensure the correct allocation of the resources of the National Recovery and Resilience Plan.

The activity data has been presented on Thursday 27 June in Marina di Ragusa, on the occasion of the 250th anniversary of the foundation of the Corpsin the presence of the civil, religious and military authorities of the province.

The inspection activities in the Ragusa area have allowed us to identify 25 total tax evaders, i.e. those carrying out business or self-employed activities completely unknown to the tax authorities and 77 illegal or irregular workers. There are 97 subjects reported for tax crimes.

Following investigations delegated by the Judicial Authority, non-existent or high-risk tax credits in the building and energy sectors for over 2 million euros were also identified and reported to the Revenue Agency, as well as goods constituting the profit of tax evasion and fraud, for a value of 583 thousand euros. The 28 interventions in the field of excise duties allowed the seizure of over 18 tons of energy products.

Furthermore, they were carried out 82 interventions aimed at verifying the entitlement of citizens and businesses to tax credits, contributions and financingdiscovering the undue request or perception of over 2.3 million euros. Attention is also paid to the protection of other resources of the European Union, including the aid provided by the Common Agricultural Policy and the Common Fisheries Policy. In this regard, the dependent Departments have conducted 12 interventions, ascertaining fraud for 1.1 million euros, carrying out seizures for over 100 thousand euros and reporting 4 responsible parties.

Regarding money laundering and self-laundering 9 interventions were carried out in Ragusa and its province, which led to the reporting of 16 people and the reconstruction of illicit operations worth over 7.4 million euros. Furthermore, seizure proposals have been made for over 2.7 million euros.

159 suspicious financial flows generated by operators of the anti-money laundering prevention system were investigated. At land, sea and air borders, 85 checks were carried out on currency circulation, with the discovery of illicit movements for over 633 thousand euros and the detection of 12 violations.

The interventions were carried out together with the officials of the Customs and Monopolies Agency operating at the port of Pozzallo and the Comiso airport, according to the methods recently strengthened by the memorandum of understanding stipulated on 3 April 2023 between the two administrations.

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