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Monza: Civic Museums in celebration, among the gifts a canvas by Fattori

The most unexpected gift per i first ten years of the civic museums they did it two sisters from Monza: Teresa and Gisella Viganò. I am They the benefactors who have chosen to donate to the city’s art gallery “Il cavalleggero” a work by Giovanni Fattori.

Monza: Civic Museums in celebration, the donation of Teresa Viganò

Teresa Viganò, confused in the crowd, participated on Friday 28 Junein the morning, at the ceremony organized to celebrate and remember the ten years (exactly) since the reopening of the museums in the current House of the Humiliated.

MONZA celebrates 10 years of civic museums the benefactress who donated the knight’s painting – photo Fabrizio Radaelli

«We thought of donating this painting in memory of our parents, Mariuccia and Enzo Viganò – he said Teresa ViganòWe wanted something of them to remain, especially because my mother was originally from Monza. It’s a painting that I’ve always remembered in our house, ever since we were little. Mom and dad were passionate about art but among the paintings they had in their house in via Biancamano, this one by Fattori is certainly the most valuable. And that’s why my sister and I thought of donating exactly this. It is an honor for us to have made this gesture in memory of our parents».

The work was donated to the Civic Museums after the death of Mariuccia Viganò, who passed away at the age of one hundred in August 2022. «When we dismantled the house we came up with the idea – Teresa continues – Consulting the museum website we saw that there were already other donations and so we contacted the director Sarah Mongelli».

Monza: Civic Museums in celebration, Fattori’s canvas and other news

Fattori’s canvas is one of the novelties proposed by the Civic Museums to celebrate its tenth birthday. Always in the galleria dedicated to the nineteenth centuryon the first floor, visitors will also be able to admire two marine works by Pompey Mariani and another marine-themed canvas from the 19th century. On the ground floor, however, they were exhibited some fragments of swords and points dating back to pre-Roman times, granted by the Superintendency of Milan, coming from the territory. These are the oldest finds exhibited in the display cases of the art gallery.

Monza: Civic Museums in celebration, ceremony in the entrance courtyard

The ceremony, which took place in the entrance courtyard of the Civic Museumsi, accompanied by the notes of the musicians of the Appiani Foundation, It was an opportunity to retrace the ten years of life of the city museum. «The first thought goes to Dario Porta – he began Sarah Mongelli, director of the civic museums – who followed all the phases of reopening the museum and who still remains one of the pillars of this place today. And then the architect Lattuada who followed the works and the then mayor Roberto Scanagatti».

MONZA celebrates 10 years of civic museums – photo Fabrizio Radaelli

Monza: Civic museums celebrating, the numbers

Today the art gallery welcomes 140 works: from the findings of the Bronze Age to the works of the artists of the Biennale: «This is part of the over two thousand pieces, a collection that represents the great variety that the museum offers».

In the first six months of this year, the number of visitors reached the figures recorded for the whole of 2023. Among these are also the three hundred school groups that have already visited the museum in via Cortelonga.

Monza: Civic Museums in celebration, the authorities

«These ten years have demonstrated that civic museums are not only guardians and conservators of an identity but are a treasure made available online to more and more anyone. They are the sign of the city’s openness to the rest of the world», reiterated the councilor for culture, Arianna Bettin. And then it was the mayors’ turn: Paolo Pilotto and Roberto Scanagattiwhich cut the ribbon on June 28, 2014.

«The entire municipal machine then gave its contribution to arrive at the reopening with difficulty – recalled Scanagatti – I have a request for Mayor Pilotto: that he promote this museum with the schools, so that its treasures increasingly enter the scholastic courses of the institutes».

The party for the ten years of opening continuesafter the concert “Musical Pictures”, with the special “The masters of the nineteenth century”a guided tour at the exhibition “800 Lombardo”, scheduled Saturday 29th June at 3.30pm. On June 30th, civic museums open to families with the workshop at 3.30 pm.

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