Italy 24 Press News

Sannio, Region-Province axis for the unblocking of plants

Region e Province give the green light to the Agreement to unblock the impasse, but theArea Authority slows down. The moment of signing the new institutional agreement is approaching on waste management systems. The approval of the Regional Council on May 23rd was added in the last few hours to the adhesion resolution issued by the President of the Province Nino Lombardi.

The authorizations of Sapna, a sector company of the metropolitan city of Naples responsible for carrying out operational activities, and of Samte which will provide human and technical resources to Dream. The only thing missing from the appeal is the yes from the Area Authority, still perplexed about the initiative.

It is a second attempt on the Naples-Benevento axis. The aim is to overcome the critical issues that nullified the previous Institutional Agreement signed in the city on 14 July 2022, but which remained essentially on paper. And in order not to face another failure, local authorities will have to accept a de facto ad acta commissionership. The Region is the absolute master of the new agreement, who will personally take care, through Sapna, of removing the burned waste that has been paralyzing the Casalduni Stir since 2018, and of putting the same plant back into operation, transforming it, after a few years of work, into a ecodistrict. According to what is established in article 3 of the plan, the Region “undertakes, as implementing body, to finance and implement the interventions related to the service of “Removal, transport and disposal of waste abandoned at the Casalduni Stir””.

Palazzo Santa Lucia also takes on the burden of “building the treatment plant for the organic fraction from separate waste collection produced in the municipalities of the province of Benevento, with anaerobic technology and with a total capacity of 27,000 tons per year, to be built in the Stir area of ​​Casalduni”.

It will always be the Region, through its mission structure, that will «carry out the refunctionalization interventions of the mechanical biological treatment plant and the construction of a transfer station». «The works – the text continues – will be carried out with intermediate deadlines: the first will concern the construction of the transfer station, the second the refunctionalization works of the Stir, the third the works relating to the anaerobic digestion plant». But the rebirth of the Sannio plant engineering will not only pass through Casalduni. With the Agreement, the Region also undertakes to guarantee “the carrying out of the procedure for the assignment of the works necessary for the reopening and commissioning of lot 2 of the Sant’Arcangelo Trimonte landfill”.

The steps

A replacement action made necessary to break the interminable stalemate that characterizes the plant cycle in Sannio. For the Province and Area Authority, the new Agreement outlines a merely accessory role. The Rocca will only be responsible for «collaborating with the Region in the execution and implementation phase of all the interventions, making the sites subject to the works and investments available, collaborating in the definition of the procedures». A mentorship that the Piazza IV Novembre institution willingly accepted, after the flop of the previous procedure which saw the Province, together with Samte, as the implementing body for the removal of waste from the Stir and the safety of the landfill of St. Archangel Trimonte. Objectives that went up in smoke in April last year, when the 1.8 million tender for the award of the two interventions was unsuccessful. The one who doesn’t seem to want to say “yes sir” is the waste management authority, which has already made its doubts known. At the moment there are no official positions taken, but the discontent in Via Torretta towards a text that relegates it is known the Area Authority to the role of subscriber-spectator. The ATO should in fact limit itself to “inserting into the Area Plan the organic fraction treatment plant with anaerobic technology to be built within the Stir area of ​​Casalduni”, and to guaranteeing “the assignment of the management service of the Sant’Arcangelo Trimonte landfill plant, to ensure immediate start-up”.


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