Italy 24 Press News

Sassari, assault on Mondialpol vault: armed group on the run

Moments of terror last night on the outskirts of Sassari when, shortly after 8.30 pm, an armed group composed of at least ten people, he put into action a plan studied down to the smallest detail for storm the Mondialpol vault and escape with rich loot not yet quantified by the authorities.

Armed assault on Mondialpol, what happened

It was just after 8.30pm when the group went into action armed with Kalashnikovs and equipped with an excavator used to break through part of the perimeter wall of the structure and break into the building which, according to reports New Sardiniawas guarding several at the time bags of cash intended for pension payments early next week.

Just as happened in February 2016, the armed gang had studied the plan down to the smallest detail, carefully planning not only the attack itself but also the methods of escape. While part of the commando took care of enter the buildingthe Caniga headquarters of the Mondialpol security company, shooting in the air to scare the security guards present in the structure, the remaining members of the gang sprinkled the surrounding streets with nails to slow down the rush of the police and set several cars on fire as a diversion.

No injuries and armed group on the run

The attack lasted half an hour and no one was hurt despite, the Corriere della Sera, the group apparently fired several Kalashnikov shots at the police cars that promptly arrived on site after the alarm. After taking away some bags of money and loading them on board a white Fiat Ducato van, the bandits fled, taking the state road 131 towards Cagliari and managing to disappear.

Investigations underway

The searches continued throughout the night, so far without success. The Carabinieri and police immediately started investigations, while checkpoints were set up on the main roads between the provinces of Sassari and Nuoro and an Army helicopter flew low over the area in the hope of finding traces of the commando. .

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