Italy 24 Press News

46 fines and 2 driving licenses withdrawn –

The local police of Bari are in action on the trucks

Bari Local Police in action on trucks

The local police of Bari are in action on the trucks

Bari Local Police in action on trucks

Bari Local Police in action on trucks

The local police of Bari are in action on the trucks

Another day dedicated yesterday to checks on heavy vehicles was organized by the Bari Local Police together with the technicians and with the specially equipped vehicle of the Civil Motorization.

18 heavy vehicles were checked; 46 different violations were contested, for a total of 20,058.93 euros in fines.

Among the confirmed complaints: 11 reports pursuant to art. 174 of the CDS for failure to respect driving or rest times; 1 report pursuant to art. 180 c 1 and 7 of the CDS for failure to produce documents relating to the circulation of vehicles; 1 report pursuant to art. 79 c 1 and 4 cds for lack of efficiency of the vehicle’s devices; 11 reports pursuant to art. 178 of the CDS for failure to comply with the prescribed driving breaks and times; 4 complaints for violation of the art. 46 ter of Law 298/1974 (Road transport of goods) relating to irregularities in the mandatory documentation relating to international transport; 2 complaints for failure to comply with the maximum speed limits pursuant to art. 142 of the CDS; 2 licenses withdrawn in addition to the withdrawal of a professional driver tachograph card.

It is reiterated that road safety first and foremost involves the control of the so-called “heavy” vehicles that cross the municipal territory and compliance with the provisions laid down by law for this category of “professional” drivers is fundamental and also includes heavy penalties for the transporters responsible for the order.

The “ZERO VICTIMS” objective – it should be remembered – on our roads is very far away, but the strategy of continuous intervention by the traffic police, prevention and control bodies is an indispensable action to try to contribute to the reduction of the number of accidents and road fatalities.

The joint checks of the Bari Local Police with the technicians and special vehicles of the Civil Motorization will continue for the next few weeks.

Saturday 29 June 2024


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