Italy 24 Press News

Campania, Fitto confirms 1.8 billion euros for seismic risk prevention

Raffaele FittoMinister for the South and Cohesion Policies, confirmed the assignment of over 1.8 billion euros in favor of Campanian territoriestaken from the resources of the 2021-2027 Development and Cohesion Fund and charged to the Region. The funds will be spent on seismic risk prevention works connected to the bradyseism of the Phlegraean Fields.

Raffaele Fitto, Campania

Campania, the law decree

The Council of Ministers, after having assigned 1,218 million euros in favor of the interventions included in the program environmental restoration and urban regeneration of the Bagnoli-Coroglio district with the decree-law 60/2024, on 24 June approved the decree-law on Urgent measures for the prevention of seismic risk connected to the bradyseismic phenomenon in the Campi Flegrei area and for interventions civil protection’.

This allocates additional resources to the Campania region. In particular, they are 420 million euros intended for urgent measures for public buildings, transport infrastructure and other essential services to deal with the emergency in the Flegrea area caused by bradyseism. These interventions are financed for approximately 207 million euros taken from the Fund
development and cohesion aimed at central administrations and for 206 million euros taken from the Development and Cohesion Fund programmatically attributed to the territory of the region

The same provision assigns 388 million euros taken from the Development and Cohesion Fund, for the completion of the fundamental interventions for the Municipalities. These were decided within the framework of the Program owned by the Campania region and not yet completed, thus responding to the needs expressed by the local authorities to have the resources to ensure such completions by the February 2026 deadline set by the European regulations.

I am interventions proposed by the Campania region and were the subject of a joint investigation to ascertain their regularity. The advancement of resources by the Government allows the implementation of the cohesion policy, pending the Campania region’s submission of a new project proposal consistent with the negotiated programming path envisaged by the regulatory framework, at the request of Minister Fitto to the Region yesterday.

To date, a project is still underway comparison which aims to ensure that the content of the Agreement does not have too many generic lines of action, but that it contains well-defined interventions e characterized by an advanced state of design.

Minister Fitto underlined how the method of the Cohesion Agreement is the main way to overcome the delays of the cohesion policy, which sees in Campania a state of progress of spending for the 2014-2020 programming cycle currently equal to 41% % of the total allocation.

The legal provisions governing the use of state resources from the Development and Cohesion Fund provide an agreement between the parties and not a mere adhesion of the state to the Region’s proposal. So Fitto asked the Region to send a new proposal that is consistent with the regulatory provisions and with the new financial perimeter of the Agreement which is set at 4.175 million of Euro.

The Government must provide further assignments for the implementation of localized interventions in Campania, if the conditions for a shared definition of the content of the Agreement do not exist, also through the recognition of advances pursuant to Article 10 of Legislative Decree no. 60 of 2024.

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