Italy 24 Press News

From automatic takeovers to surrogates, here are the names of the new councilors

If the outcome of the administrative elections served to indicate the names of the elected candidates, to redraw the composition of the municipal council automatic takeovers occurred following the appointment of councilors by the mayor, as well as the resignations of some councilors and the related subrogations.

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The first session of the City Council on Friday 28 June provided the opportunity to see the assembly reunited in its entirety. An assembly characterised by the automatic takeover of the councilors Fabiano Campi, Eleonora Costa, Cinzia Magri and Ben Kulli, the first four not elected on the civic list Alan Fabbri mayor, following the appointment of the councilors Francesco Carità, Francesca Savini, Angela Travagli and Marco Gulinelli.

Following the communication of Giacomo Gelmi and Silvia Fabbri’s resignation from the role of councilors, the Council voted on the relative surroghe. Aurora Prencipe and Brando Sarto, both from the Alan Fabbri mayor civic list, will therefore sit on the benches of the majority. Furthermore, after the appointment of councilors Nicola Lodi and Cristina Coletti, Massimiliano Guerzoni, current president, and Stefano Perelli have taken over the League council group.

Similar situation in the Forza Italia advisory group with the appointment of Matteo Fornasini as councilor and the takeover as councilor of Francesco Levato. The appointment of Alessandro Balboni as deputy mayor, with responsibilities for Public Works, Infrastructure, Urban Forestry, Ferrara, university city, Environment, Animal Protection, European Projects and Civil Protection, and that of Chiara Scaramagli as councilor, then determined the taking over the council group of Fratelli d’Italia of the councilors Iolanda Madeo, current president, and Andrea Ferrari.

During the Council meeting, the choice was made Municipal electoral commission by secret ballot. The effective members are Luca Caprini (Civica Fabbri), Andrea Ferrari (FdI) and Matteo Proto (Pd), the substitute members are Stefano Perelli (Lega), Diletta D’Andrea (FI), Leonardo Fiorentini (Civica Anselmo).

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