Italy 24 Press News

“From recycling to maintenance, now straight to work”

“It is a competent council, as our city requested. We have really given an answer that is up to the requests, and now we will get to work right away”. Mayor Mezzetti is clear: “competence and experience” is the common thread that guides and intertwines the names that now complete his council. And, as already said during the election campaign, the mayor now turns the spotlight on “the various issues to be addressed already in the first few months – he explains – the first will be a discussion with Hera, to modify the waste collection system where it has not worked and, overall, review the system itself, while always keeping the objective of separate waste collection at the center.

Just as there will be no lack of great commitment regarding the ordinary and extraordinary maintenance of this city, which needs to intervene in the field of road signs, as well as in the maintenance of roads, cycle paths, sidewalks and urban parks. Without forgetting, of course, the maintenance of our schools. I believe we need to move immediately in this direction, as the citizens have requested”.

Broadening his gaze, the mayor went into even more detail about the security issue. “I have always said – he states – that we have a security problem in the city, but the responsibility and the priority competence is of the State bodies, not of the Municipality. At the same time, however, through its structures – first and foremost the local police – the Municipality itself can operate in the field of prevention, integration. For this reason, associating security with ‘securities’, starting with social ones, is a central issue for us. I found, on the part of Dr. Camporota, total adherence to this type of approach and a very strong sensitivity. She is the most authoritative figure who can represent this configuration of political system that I want to give to the issue of security and, indeed, of securities. I am very happy that she accepted”.

On the numerous delegations that the mayor has instead retained in his hands, Mezzetti underlines how there are some issues, “such as equal opportunities and gender policies that cannot only be of a specific area or department, but must be transversal. There will be three figures, specifically three women, who will support me so that, on an operational level, they can translate into practice the policies of the delegations that I have retained”. But in the next few days, a “disability manager will also be announced, a new figure to be established in the municipal area and who, for professional skills, attention and sensitivity, will represent a real reference and coordination figure with regards to disability policies. An aspect on which I have also found great sensitivity on the part of our citizens during the electoral campaign”.

And finally, regarding his new team, the mayor does not hesitate to dot the ‘i’s’ and clarify “even what should already be clear to everyone”. “The voters of Modena, in fact, were called to elect the representatives of the city council – he explains – not the councillors, as everyone should know. For this reason I made an appeal to the political and civic forces that supported me, to propose a list of names, which responded, as already mentioned, to two important criteria, namely competence and experience”.

“The councilors – continues Mezzetti – are not figurines representing someone, but have a fundamental role, because they are called to respond to the expectations of the city. Therefore, based on the adequacy of the responses received, I composed my team”.

An official presentation, which was also the backdrop to clarify some aspects already brought under the spotlight, such as the exclusion of Modena Civica. “There is no automatism between city councilors and councilors – repeats the mayor – and I don’t want to give rise to fantasies: the only motivations are linked to merit”.

g. d. c.

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