Italy 24 Press News

in the Miralfiore triangle three special surveillance zones

PESARO – More cameras, restoration of the torn fence, help from dog units and a campaign against drugs in schools. These are the main actions for the so-called “red zone”, the special monitored area which includes the urban triangle between the station, the Resistance monument and Miralfiore park. An operational package that also includes the recovery of degraded areas (interventions already underway from the station to the surrounding car parks) and the maintenance of the greenery, making the park more alive, but with an eye on the environment. This is what emerged from the Public Order and Safety Committee yesterday morning in the Prefecture.

Where do we start from?

And which follows the spotlight that has been turned back on on the safety and drugs problem at Miralfiore, after the 44-year-old was found dead. «It was a positive and constructive meeting – commented Mayor Andrea Biancani – where the desire to collaborate for the safety of citizens was reiterated several times. Together and in coordination with the police we will work to strengthen the activities already underway. Actions that will inevitably require a confrontation with the judicial authorities.” Biancani reiterated «the need to have clearer rules, which allow certain measures, because with the current ones a clear difficulty in identifying adequate measures has been recognized, especially in the presence of irregular people in the area. At the same time, to increase the control actions already underway, the help of the dog service was requested in the areas most at risk.”


He then continued: “Trains are historically the most critical places in cities. Passageways, which often attract a high concentration of crime and illegality. It is not easy to find a solution to these situations, but I reiterate the administration’s desire to work in synergy with the police and to carry out its own actions, first and foremost with the redevelopment of the places of “degradation”, transforming them into increasingly accessible, serviced and participated spaces, because a more lively city is also safer. The RFI construction site for the redevelopment of the station and the surrounding public spaces has already started”, he reiterated, also recalling the upcoming interventions: the redevelopment of the two car parks behind the station and the new video surveillance systems throughout the station area, the car parks and the redeveloped Cappuccini underpass. Prefect Emanuela Saveria Greco underlined the importance of implementing video surveillance services as deterrent tools and also of restoring the fence at Miralfiore. Biancani responded to these observations by saying: «The administration is already working on further security and maintenance interventions at Miralfiore: we are working to understand which could be the most suitable and useful place to install other cameras inside and we are checking the restoration of the fence that is currently torn down, which has become an irregular and unauthorized access even when the park is closed to the public».

Green management

On public green areas, «the police, in particular the Prefect, have reiterated the need to guarantee constant maintenance of the undergrowth. In this regard, I asked for the involvement of the competent councilors Mila Della Dora and Maria Rosa Conti, who will discuss with the actors of the permanent green table, to understand together how to combine safety needs with those of the environment”. It is fundamental for Mayor Biancani that the healthcare company and the school are also involved in this collective action to combat illegality. «In particular, I asked the Prefect for the involvement of the pathological addictions department». A topic that will be on the agenda of the next working table, «which I asked councilor Luca Pandolfi to organize, in collaboration with councilor Sara Mengucci, the Ast and the director of the provincial school office Alessandra Belloni» .


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