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He is Totti’s ‘son’ but goes to Lazio: Lotito has already put him in the shopping cart

The ‘footballing son’ of the former Roma captain has attracted the interest of Lazio.

Roman by birth, raised with the myth of Francesco Totti. The first kicks of a ball at the age of 4, with the dream of one day emulating the feats of his great idol. The child’s goal of becoming a professional footballer is achieved after much apprenticeship. First the amateurs of KolbeThen Vigor Perconti, Savio, Tor Tre Teste and Atletico 2000.

The big leap is around the corner: it is the Parma first to believe in him. Irony of fate, not a random team for Francesco Totti. The yellow and blues immediately bring to mind that 17th June 2001, the day of the third Giallorossi championship. The class of 2002 he wasn’t born yet, but who knows how many times he was told about that day. Who knows how many times he saw and re-saw on video the goal of his idol under the Curva Sud.

The attacker makes his way in the youth crusades. In Under 17 meets expectations and scores well 33 goluntil you get to Primavera where it stands out with 16 centers in 29 appearances. Important numbers, almost predestined. Performances that also attract interest from foreign championships. There Lokomotiv Zagabriaa club from the Croatian top division, falls on him, in an experience which however does not prove to be unforgettable.

Just 4 appearances and 42 minutes played which however do not destroy the boy’s dream of one day landing in Serie A. The Lega Pro stage is the right one to relaunch. Monterosi, Gubbio and Renate the stages before arriving at the consecration to Francavilla. With Lazio he scored 2 goals and 2 assists in 14 appearances in 2021/2022. 4 total goals in the following not very lucky year and with little space divided between Gubbio and Renate.

The consecration in Francavilla

With the Virtus Francavilla finally finds space. During the season 2023/2024 he is the undisputed starter of the attack both under Villa and Occhiuzzi. They are well 12 goals and 2 assists with the blue and white shirt, important numbers which, however, alone are not enough to contribute to the salvation of the Apulians. However, the 2002 class is one of the few positive notes of Virtus’ season.

In his third consecutive season in professional football, the young striker has finally managed to emerge. With the relegation of the Apulian club to Serie D, the 2002 class is currently free. A situation that has attracted the attention of large clubs A league as the Lazio. A remarkable leap considering the starting point and the long apprenticeship. And it matters little in this case if all this will cause displeasure to his idol Totti.

Credit: Virtus Francavilla

Lazio’s interest and the dream of Serie A is near

After the super season with Virtus Francavilla, Gabriele Artistic has attracted the attention of several important clubs. Above all Lazio, who would possibly send the 2002-born player on loan to Serie B. A possible arrival in Serie A could only be the fulfillment of a dream for Artistico, who started from the Parma youth sector.

And it doesn’t matter if the arrival in the top division would only be temporary given the possible transfer to Serie B. For someone who was born with a ball between his feet and never gave up despite unhappy career periods, this can already be considered a great achievement. Indeed, a new starting point to demonstrate that he is on par with his great idol Francesco Totti.

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