Italy 24 Press News

Rotary, Giuseppe Nardini Governor-Elect 2026-2027 of the Campania District

Giuseppe Nardini is the Governor-Elect for the year 2026-2027 of the Rotary International District 2101 Campania. This was decided by the District Assembly meeting at the Hotel Gli Dei in Pozzuoli, preferring him, with 69 votes, to his competitor, Rosaria Bruno, credited with 31 preferences. Sixty-three years old, Neapolitan, Director of the Psychiatry Operational Unit of the Hospitals of the Hills of Naples Cotugno Monaldi CTO, Giuseppe Nardini is a long-time Rotarian having been affiliated since 1997. He is currently a member of the Board of Directors of the Rotary Club of the Island of Procida, after having been its first President of the Club budded in the year 2021-2022 by RC Napoli Sud Ovest and RC Pozzuoli, now RC Campi Flegrei, then chaired, respectively, by Edoardo Sabbatino and Raffaello Mastantuono. On the occasion, it was the Governor Costantino Astarita who delivered the Club’s Constitution to Giuseppe Nardini, with the Past District Governors Giancarlo Spezie and Salvatore Iovieno present. In assuming the leadership of the island Club, in the year in which Procida was preparing to become the Italian Capital of Culture, the new president promoted numerous cultural initiatives, among which the District Project “Sopra alla Terra” stands out, in the name of valorisation of the Territory and for the recovery of “Terra Murata”, a theme very dear to the then District Governor Alessandro Castagnaro and the Mayor of Procida Raimondo Ambrosino. There are strong and frequent synergies in support of the District Projects of the Flegrean sponsor club “Rotary and School to discover the Territory” and the social responsibility project “Portraits of Extraordinary Women” against violence against women and for gender equality. The first wanted by the President Guido De Joanna and the second by his successor Brunello Canessa, both coordinated by the Past President of the Club Patrizia Leone. On the occasion of the scientific panel organized in Pozzuoli by Brunello Canessa, dedicated to the seismic and bradyseismic phenomena of the entire Neapolitan area, moderated by the Governor Ugo Oliviero, in the presence of the Director of the Volcanoes Department of the National Institute of Geophysics and Volcanology Francesca Bianco, Giuseppe Nardini promoted the establishment and activation of the Permanent Observatory of the Campi Flegrei. A project with a very current theme, headed by the Community Corps Commission chaired by him and supported by the Rotarian Interclub Forum of the entire Phlegraean area which brings together the Past Presidents, Presidents, Incoming Presidents and Presidents Elect of 14 Clubs in the Campania District. On July 1, 2026, Giuseppe Nardini will take over from Governor Angelo Di Rienzo. Good luck from all Rotarians for his new mission, in which he will always have Elisa Martano at his side.

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