Italy 24 Press News

Rho-Parabiago, first emergency occupations

First emergency occupations planned for the expropriation of the private and public areas that will be used to carry out the project to upgrade the Rho-Parabiago railway line. And first “exploratory surveys” on the underpass of via Gattinoni, in the center of Vanzago, and on the Sp 229 in Pogliano. The disputed fourth track project becomes reality. Quickly, to try to make up for the delay accumulated since the definitive integrated project was approved by the extraordinary commissioner in June 2023 and its public utility declared, up to today. In April this year Italferr sent letters to all the owners affected by the expropriations and the taking possession of the areas will take place from 10 July. “Approximately by the end of July, Italferr will be in possession of 80% of the areas necessary to carry out the works included in the contract and will be able to hand them over to the Luigi Notari company – the Municipality announced –. At the end of July 2024, the company who has to carry out the work will have the possibility to fence off the areas, proceed with the felling of trees and the reclamation of war orders”. This is the technical part.

Then there is a long list of concerns on the part of the municipal administration which will have to monitor what will happen in the Vanzago area in the coming years. “I am severely late and considering the complexity and timing of the work I have the impression that it will be a colossal disaster”, declares Guido Sangiovanni (in the photo), the former mayor, to whom the newly elected mayor Lorenzo Musante has assigned the delegation as councilor for the IV Track-development of Rho -Parabiago. “The main concern is that this project has never been compatible with the times of the Pnrr, the work will never be delivered by June 2026. Even today, despite our requests and observations during the approval phase of the project, there are many issues which must be addressed – declares the councilor -: for example the issue of moving the secondary Villoresi canal. The work on the fourth track will start with the canal still running next to the railway, while it will have to be moved to the countryside addressed are those of interference. We have been saying this for years, but nothing has yet been done and so there are families who still do not know where the methane gas pipes and the electricity network will pass for the territory it needed to be managed better. We will be committed to minimizing the negative impacts.”

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