Italy 24 Press News

Adrijoroutes, cultural routes of the ports. Meanwhile, two new Superfasts are arriving

Enhancement of sustainable tourism and culture, the European project “Adijoroutes” was presented yesterday in Ancona, supported by the Italy-Croatia program which unites the two shores. The ports of the Adriatic can make a substantial contribution to the development of sustainable tourism and to the enhancement of the cultural profile in the relationship with the cities of which they are an integral part. The project “Adrijoroutes – Promoting sustainable solutions for maritime cultural tourism”, presented yesterday in Ancona, was born with this orientation. An event organized by the Central Adriatic Sea Port System Authority. The partners of Adrijoroutes, of which Ancona is the leader, are the Adsp Northern Adriatic Sea, Central-Northern Adriatic Sea, Eastern Adriatic Sea; Kip-Croatian Logistics Cluster, Port Authorities of Dubrovnik and Zadar, Development Agency of Split and Dalmatia.

Thanks to the contribution of the European program Italy-Croatia 2021-2027, Adrijoroutes aims to enhance sustainability, social inclusion and digitalization of the tourism sector in the area. A single digital platform that hosts the eight virtual museums of the ports of Ancona, Venice, Trieste, Ravenna, Rijeka, Zadar, Dubrovnik, Split, with content also related to the respective territories. “Adrijoroutes is a thread that unites eight ports in the Adriatic Sea that together tell their maritime cultural dimension by enhancing the relationship and the essential bond that unites them to the cities they belong to” said the president of the Port Authority of Ancona, Vincenzo Garofalo, who was echoed by the governor of the Marche Region, Francesco Acquaroli: “The port is the hub of development and tourism is played on the relationship between the city of Ancona and its port, which together with the entire Conero district can and must become even more attractive. The capital of the Marche is surrounded for three quarters by the Adriatic and for centuries its urban development has had to deal with the growth needs of the port, arriving at a coexistence not without critical issues”.

Also at the meeting was the Undersecretary of the Ministry of Economy and Finance, Lucia Albano: “I congratulate you on this cross-border initiative that enhances the millenary bond that exists between Italy and Croatia. The blue economy, with sea tourism, will have an increasingly important role within the Government agenda”. Finally Giacomo Bugaro, member of the Municipality of Ancona within the AP Management Committee: “The port of Ancona is facing an epochal turning point thanks to the design of the new docks and the connection with the main road network. The interventions, in addition to creating growth prospects for the port, will also allow us to free up spaces that the city can use”.

Remaining in the port area, two new ships from the Superfast Ferries fleet will be able to dock and depart in the port of Ancona. This was announced by the Morandi Group, which announced that Attica Group, the most important Greek shipping company, has signed an agreement with Stena Ro Ro for the construction and long-term charter with the right to purchase two ships and the prospect of expansion for another two. “We are proud of this new challenge that involves us and the Doric port itself. Superfast, after 30 years, revolutionizes the ferry sector again” said Andrea Morandi.

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