Italy 24 Press News

Caserta Municipality, Center-Right Attack: “Immediate Resignation”

Go on the offensive center-right who, even outside the classroom, intends to continue to raise the bar of the clash with the administration of Carlo Marino after the judicial storm that has overwhelmed the Municipality with 5 arrests (under house arrest, including the councilor Marzo and the managers Biondi and Natale) and 14 people under investigation (among them also the deputy mayor Casale and the manager Vitelli). Yesterday a billboard campaign, already expected on the occasion of the vote on the final budget, to ask the mayor and the centre-left councilors to return the city to the people of Caserta. «Dear mayor and dear center-left majority councillors – reads the short text – the time has come for you to assume the administrative and moral responsibility of the disaster that you have created.” Below are the symbols of Lega, Brothers of Italy e Forza Italia and the signatures of the councilors registered with the groups as well as that of Roberto Desiderio, elected to the council on the Caserta Tu list in support of Pio Del Gaudio’s candidacy for mayor. In the sights of the centre-right is the management of the city which has been considered a failure since 2016. The target of the centre-right are not only those elected on Carlo Marino’s lists in 2021 but also those who supported him in the ballot. For this reason it was decided to speak of a “centre-left majority” ideally including also Raffaele Young (candidate for mayor of Caserta Decide), Romulus Vignola e Dino Fusco (the two announced the formation of a new socialist group with the majority councilor Gianluca Iannucci) and Del Gaudio, whose absence from the manifesto represents a case entirely within the centre-right.

«He voted for Marino in the run-off, we want to talk but – he claims Donato Aspromonte (Forza Italia) – he should reflect on what he has done. The one who left the door open is Elio DiCaprio (Lega): «He is a person of value, a historic element of the center-right and I hope he will be recovered. It certainly also takes his will.” He speaks of inelegant conjectures Romulus Vignolaprovincial coordinator of the PSI: «Let them oppose in their own way and let us do ours. They are so used to the changes of shirt that they no longer recognize the coherence. I ran against Carlo Marino and I have expressed my negative opinion on the administration several times but I am politically incompatible with the centre-right. I was alone in the chamber several times to oppose the majority and I didn’t wait for the investigations to realize the problems there are in the city.”

Responding to the public statement of the centre-right is Marino. «I note that the right has moved on to the poster-posting stage. The mayor did this because he is totally incapable of oppositionsince we have never registered, from its exponents, a serious proposal for the growth of the city. If, as they say, the city must be returned to the Caserta people, I am sure that after the next elections they will certainly not be the ones to govern. In fact, with the approval of the wicked bill on differentiated autonomy, the League, Brothers of Italy and Forza Italia are bringing the South to its knees. This absurd measure will make cities like Caserta weaker and incapable of offering services to citizens. These reckless choices will certainly have a decisive weight at the time of the vote”.

Harsh words that provoke the reaction of the main party of the centre-right, Fdi. «The mayor does nothing but talk about national politics, trying to divert any kind of discussion about the city which he is badly managed. On the other hand, he cannot help but do otherwise, given that the carelessness and approximation with which he leads the capital is clear for all to see” thunders the group leader Paolo Santonastaso. «There are the minutes of the councils and those of the commissions with the proposals, promptly ignored, of the centre-right – claims Pasquale Neapolitan -. The only argument that Marino manages to propose is that of differentiated autonomy but what does a bill approved in the last month have to do with eight years of disastrous city government? For 6 years it enjoyed a complete institutional supply chain without achieving any concrete results. His predictions about the future are based on nothing, like those about the good health of the city’s finances sensationally denied by the OSL. His management is a failure and he just has to acknowledge it and then, if he is given the opportunity to do so quickly by interrupting this torment, the people of Caserta will be the ones to make the right assessments.”


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