Italy 24 Press News

New life for parks with trees and games


Walks in the greenery and games for the kids. Terre del Reno enhances the ‘green lung’ of the city’ and takes advantage of the summer for maintenance and new plantings. In recent weeks, the Municipality’s officials have been involved in some works that affected the Roda di Mirabello park. The nets on the football pitch have been replaced and the children can now use them for matches with friends. Spade and new plantings: the mulberry trees that had previously been removed from Piazza Battaglini to allow construction work to be carried out have been planted. “Our municipality of Terre del Reno has numerous urban parks – underlines the councilor for the environment Gianfranco Guizzardi – which are a very important green resource for the community, as well as fundamental meeting points. In recent months – he explains – we have replaced many games for children with more modern and safe games. We try to give the Roda park a long life with these small maintenance works, which can also be seen in the care of the green spaces and our attention is maximum”. That’s not all: “Roda park has been enriched with new trees in recent days but not only that – explains the councilor -. Thanks to the work of the operators, new, more elegant flowerbeds have been created, using plants present in the park’s pots”. The Biancani park in Sant’Agostino was also at the center of maintenance work. In fact, the benches have been restored and made more decorous. It is indeed a time for life in the open air, for moments of meeting and leisure with friends in the shade of the city’s parks, but also for free games on the football field. Focusing on the quality of life of the parks means improving the quality of life.

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