Italy 24 Press News

After weeks of instability, summer heat is approaching in the Asti area

As hasn’t happened for years now, the month of June has given us unusual weather, accompanied by showers and temperatures below the average of the last hot seasons. The low pressure arriving from Liguria has not given us a start to the summer full of sun and heat but, in the next few days, it will start to make up for it. Even if only for a short time, we will see the thermometer rise again thanks to the arrival of African high pressure.

As reported by the Dati Meteo Asti network, the first real summer conditions find space between Wednesday 27th and Thursday 28th with maximum temperatures ready to touch, and even exceed, the threshold of 33°C. With minimum temperatures ranging anywhere between +16°C and +20°C, the main heat peaks are in the flat areas. The Alta Langa area and the border with Liguria are cooler, however, where the wind will also have its share, with gusts of up to 20-30 km/h.

Then arriving at the weekend the weather will return to the unstable character seen in recent weeks. While keeping the thermometer between +17/+21°C and +27/+32°, the sky will be cloudy from early morning, with the first thunderstorms expected in the Alpine areas. Showers of considerable intensity will also occur in the late afternoon and evening, especially in the northern plains and northern areas of the province.

Sunday will see a further drop in temperatures of 2°C /3°C for both highs and lows. The chances of rain will be lower than on Saturday but from the early hours of the morning the sky will be cloudy over the entire province of Asti. Same thermal situation for Monday. With the arrival of the month of July, however, the showers will also return: numerous from the early hours of the afternoon, they will continue until the evening. This new disturbing impulse, however, may not be an isolated event. The return of the new phase of African heat will only arrive after an initial period of instability of the month, which will probably last until July 3rd or 4th.

In the meantime, Asti and the entire province are ready to help citizens in dealing with the possible arrival of the heat to which we have been accustomed in recent years. In fact, between public and private swimming pools, almost all of them have now opened their doors to the public and are able to guarantee refreshment to those, especially the elderly and children, who suffer more from other summer temperatures.

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