Italy 24 Press News


It will be a great, unique, colorful, joyful celebration for everyone. Today Saturday 29th and tomorrow Sunday 30th June with the MolFest there will only be fun… with kindness. “Kindness” is in fact the theme chosen for the first edition of a sparkling and inclusive event.

From 4pm to midnight there will be concerts, shows and moments of entertainment on Banchina San Domenico, in the municipal villa, in the old city, in Cala Sant’Andrea, on Banchina Seminario and along Corso Dante already completely “dressed up” to the nines.

A city seen through different eyes. A very rich program that involves over 60 local and national entities and that, on Sunday evening, will also see the presence of Cristina D’Avenadarling of entire generations of children.

The festival was born from an idea and from the professionalism of the Director of the Social Sector, Lidia de Leonardiswas strongly desired by the Mayor, Thomas Minerviniby the councilor for social affairs, Anna Capursofrom the tourism councilor, Giacomo Rossielloand to the local police, Caterina Rosellifrom the entire Board, from the President Robert Amato and the City Councilors, who support the Administration. The project is led by the Step working group, made up of experts in the entertainment sector and in the organization of large events.

«All this is made possible thanks to the great collaboration with the local police that ensures the smooth running of the event, the three Participated, coordinated by the councilor Sergio de Candia, the Mtm, with the President Gerardo Serino, which ensures parking and park & ​​ride.

Asm, with President Adele Claudio, for the continuous cleaning of the entire area ensuring the decorum of the city; Multiservizi, with President Maria Pia Annese, who lends her precious work in logistics, green and energy.

Determinant – underlines the Mayor Tommaso Minervini – it has been in these months and it will be also in these days the welcoming responsibility of the citizens, the organizational contribution of the municipal machine, and the support of the world of associations, volunteers, and the third sector. I will have the opportunity to thank everyone personally for what is happening. It is already a great success, with a community that, all together, works to present the best of itself and offer a unique show».

Just to give you an idea of ​​the number of people involved in the organization of MolFest, here is the list divided by categories:

Sport – Ippocampo Nautical Club – Asd, Naval League

Schools – IC San Giovanni Bosco Santomauro complex, ITET Salvemini, State High School “Fornari”

Culture-Music-Theatre . Anomalia – Aps, Arteinscena, Arterie Teatro, Carro dei Comici, Carro dei Comici, Dance Company ASD, Don Tonino Bello – Aps, Fotografica f/64, Polka dot giraffe, Melphicta in the past, Mensa Puglia, Momiji, Puglia TRADanze, Symposium, Teatrarte, Cipis Theatre

Social – Openly, Lean on me, Chàrisma, Don Tonino Bello, Fidas Blood Donors-Band, Vincentian Volunteer Group “Santa Maria Assunta” of the Cathedral of Molfetta, Scout Group Agesci Molfetta 1, Scout Group Agesci Molfetta 4, Koinos, Lega del Filo D’oro, Metropolis, Pandora – Anti-Violence Center, Shalom – Center for Families

Rescue-Civil Protection – AVS, Italian Red Cross, Misericordia Molfetta, SerMolfetta
KPOP (coordinati da KST), Heavens, Misul Crew, QTDreams, Zero O’ Clock
Cosplay – Apulia cosplay, Behind Animation (with the themes One Piece and Road to Wizardry – HP), Dragonball Puglia, GOT Puglia, Jojo_bizzarri_raduni

Game – ALA – Puglia, Alea 51, Assiah GDR, Beroler, Crossroads of the Worlds – Aps, Cronache del Tacco, Dice and Meeple Society, Insomnia, La Plancia Piena, Maze Esports ASD APS, Mecha Phoenix Studio, MuraCrea, One Shot ASD, Palantir

Other – Hoken Tech – Kind the Hero, IncantatoDado, Maleduclasse, Splash Comics srl, Pasquale Facchini, Artist Area with Emanuela Carbonara.

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