Italy 24 Press News

«Our protest is not political»

L’AQUILA – «Ours is not an action with political conspiracy, but a request of citizens who want to preserve the basilica of Santa Maria di Collemaggio». This was stated by Luca Barbetta, a citizen among the promoters of the signature collection who asks the Superintendence to safeguard, on the occasion of the next Perdonanza, “the immaterial values, both religious and cultural, of the Basilica of Collemaggio” in view of the assembly of the stage that will host the evening concerts .

Mayor Pierluigi Biondi had his say on the subject during the “Aquilani” program on Laqtv hosted by Carlo Gizzi, speaking about the future hypothesis of a stage in Piazza Duomo and also underlining the “political” aspect of collecting signatures, as already done by the majority group leaders in a press note. Last Thursday, meanwhile, the city’s Democratic Party sent a note to the Minister of Culture, Gennaro Sangiuliano, asking for respect for the Collemaggio basilica in the positioning of the stage.

“I personally agree with the PD’s action, but I want to point out that the signature collection was a citizens’ initiative that has no ulterior political purpose – adds Barbetta. Mayor Biondi and the majority group leaders did not understand that this is not a petition against the stage. The addressee is the Superintendency, the body that gives authorizations to set up a stage in front of a protected property. The authorization given last year had some requirements including not damaging the places, which did not happen for the lawn, hoping however that the stage would be used for religious purposes. This did not happen, given the nature of the events. We therefore ask the Superintendency to implement the requirements and to carefully evaluate what to do this year, also in light of what happened last year”.


In the meantime, the association “Cittadini per il centro storico”, which supported the collection of signatures for the Collemaggio stage, has submitted a request for access to the documents relating to the assembly of the stage in San Bernardino that will host the Cantieri dell’Immaginario events. «We are waiting to know if there were authorizations and if, above all, they were issued in compliance with the requirements, given that also for San Bernardino it is a monumental asset. We are not referring only to the stage, but also to the seats that in fact occupy the entire staircase, preventing its public use, moreover – says the lawyer Claudia Alosio -. The curious aspect is also the large advance with which the stage was assembled, installed in May, well before the Cantieri dell’Immaginario events scheduled for July, inhibiting for months, in fact, the use of the steps».



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