Italy 24 Press News

the app for students looking for a house. Here’s how it works

Help those who are looking casa avoiding scams, facilitating the meeting between supply and demand and digitalizing the entire process to limit costs. It is called “Friendshome” the application that aims to completely revolutionize the real estate market in the city of Bari. Created by six young professionals from Bari, theapp It is already downloadable from the platforms provided by Android and Apple devices.

How does it work

English: Completely free, Friendshome facilitates the “match” between potential tenants and property owners, helping the former navigate the sea of ​​an increasingly complicated market such as the real estate one. Launched about ten days ago, the app aims to increase its potential in the coming years, to the point of making all the procedures for renting rooms or entire apartments digital, a bureaucracy that usually requires a considerable expenditure of energy, time and economic resources. Giuseppe Spadone, one of the six founders of the system, explains the genesis of the application. «This idea – explains Spadone – was born from a need that we had intercepted, and which concerned first of all out-of-town students and then increasingly also workers. These are two categories that suffer the consequences deriving from the phenomena of gentrification, such as the proliferation of B&Bs in the city. But there are many other problems, which make it difficult to find one’s way in a market such as the real estate one nowadays, I think of the high mortgage prices that have led to so many people not being able to buy a house. All this has pushed us to develop our digital solution, first of all to try to improve the process of matching supply and demand within the Friendshome app itself. But we are also ready to implement the services. We have already created systems to bring together potential future roommates, in order to create a connection between the subjects who could share the same housing solution”.
The idea promises to be a success. After the launch of the pilot project, the app, which landed on Apple and PlayStore, was shared on the community from which the project came to life, the Facebook group “Affitti Bari e Provincia”. The community has over 12 thousand members and the creators of Friendshome aim to “transport” them to the innovative app, with an important result already achieved: over a thousand people are already using the platform. «Today it is very difficult to find a decent housing solution – continues Spadone – and the search generally takes place in two ways, either through Facebook groups or through the large leading platforms in the online market. Therefore, it is always the person who is looking for a home who takes the first step. Friends Home marks a revolutionary change in this sense, as it also allows those who decide to rent to contact possible tenants, shortening the match times.” Behind the creation of the application there are experts in law, management consultancy, marketing, in any case all professionals in the world of digital innovation. «We believe that Bari – concludes Spadone – with its potential can be the real launching pad for this innovative experience».
There are many studies that document the worsening of the real estate market in Bari. The latest, published by Sole24Ore, has photographed the unstoppable growth of rents, which on average in the Apulian capital break through the threshold of 560 euros. This means that over a third of the income of residents in Bari is “burned” just for the payment of rent, more than what happens in the rest of the Puglia region.


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