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In Lecce, “I didn’t interrupt her”, a review of journalism and political communication

What is the most used phrase on political talk shows? Simple: let me finish, I didn’t interrupt you! In 2015, from this simple and annoying interlude the idea of ​​a journalism and political communication review was born which every year in the long summer evenings of Salento hosts monologues, meetings and book presentations.

To celebrate the tenth edition, from Tuesday 2nd to Saturday 13th July in the Cloister of the Augustinians in Viale Michele De Pietro 10 in Lecce, the event “Io non l’ho interrupto” organized by the association Diffoniamo ideas of value, in collaboration with Coolclub, with the coordination of Pierpaolo Lala and Gabriella Morelli, as part of the fourth edition of Agostiniani Libri, a literary review of the Municipality of Lecce and the Ognibene Library, it will host seven events. This year’s program will focus on women’s rights and gender inequalities, social change, foreign policy, the impact of the media on popular culture, the memory and analysis of historical figures (Giacomo Matteotti, Malcolm , Martin Luther King, Erich Priebke, Silvio Berlusconi) and much more.

The protagonists
The program will welcome Irene Soave, journalist of Corriere della Sera, Francesco Costa, deputy director of Il Post and voice of the podcast Morning (Tuesday 2); Liliana Faccioli Pintozzi, foreign editor and host of the program “Mondo” on Sky TG24, Giuseppe Mazza, teacher, copywriter and founder of Tita Milano and Bill Magazine, and Antonio Iovane, journalist, author and voice of investigative podcasts for the Gedi group (Wednesday 3); Concetto Vecchio, journalist of la Repubblica, and Vera Gheno, sociolinguist, translator from Hungarian and popularizer (Thursday 4); Filippo Ceccarelli, journalist, editorialist of la Repubblica and regular guest of the Propaganda band on La7 (Tuesday 9), Leonardo Bianchi, editor of Facta, Pegah Moshir Pour, consultant and activist for human and digital rights, Maria Cafagna, journalist and podcaster (Thursday 11); Stefano Bartezzaghi, writer, journalist and semiologist, Edoardo Novelli, professor of political communication at the University of Roma Tre, and Barbara Stefanelli, deputy director of Corriere della Sera (Friday 12), a meeting on “Journalism, communication, politics and accessibility”, Gianluca Briguglia, professor of History of political doctrines | University of Venice, and (unmissable) Marco Damilano, author and host of Il cavallo e la torre Rai 3 and editorialist of the daily newspaper Domani (Saturday 13).

Other appointments
On the final day of Saturday 13 July, the morning event will also offer a training session in collaboration with Anios – Association of Italian Sign Language Interpreters, entirely dedicated to political communication. In fact, since 2024, Anios has introduced a mandatory continuous training program for LIS interpreters. Registrations are still open to participate in “The country of donkeys”: from Sunday 7 to Thursday 11 July the theater workshop conceived and conducted by the actor, author and director Riccardo Lanzarone will enrich this tenth edition. A reflection on “politics” and our relationship with it, a research on the iconography of men and women in government and parties: how we remember them, how we see them or how we would like them. After five days of laboratory, Thursday 11 July at 8pm at the opening of the evening in the Augustinian Cloister, there will be space for the long-awaited “rallies”.

The program
On Tuesday 2 July the review will start at 8:00 pm with Irene Soave. The journalist from Corriere della Sera will present her book “The Statute of Workers” (Bompiani). Immediately after Francesco Costa, deputy director of Il Post and voice of the popular podcast Morning, with “Frontiera. Why it will be a new American century” (Mondadori). On Wednesday 3 July at 8:00 pm the second evening will open with the presentation of “Daughters of Eve. The battle of women for Life and Freedom in Iran, Afghanistan and the United States” by Liliana Faccioli Pintozzi (Paesi Edizioni). Followed by “The Executioner. The story of Erich Priebke, the executioner of the Fosse Ardeatine” by the journalist Antonio Iovane (Mondadori) and “War campaigns. One hundred and fifty years of communication, advertising, propaganda” by the copywriter and teacher Giuseppe Mazza (Prospero editore). On Thursday 4 July at 8:00 pm the third evening will host “Io vi accuso. Giacomo Matteotti e noi” by the journalist Concetto Vecchio (Utet). Followed by the sociolinguist Vera Gheno with “Grammamanti. Immaginare futuro con le parole” (Einaudi). On Tuesday 9 July at 8:00 pm the fourth evening will be in the company of Filippo Ceccarelli. The journalist, editorialist for la Repubblica and regular guest of the Propaganda band on La7, will present “B. Una vita troppo” (Feltrinelli). Berlusconi was everything. His life was bigger than any possible work of fiction. This is his story. And Ceccarelli is the only one who could tell it. On Thursday 11 July at 8:00 pm the fifth evening will open with the return of the theatre workshop “The country of donkeys”. Immediately after “Le prime gocce della tempesta. Miti, armi e terrore dell’estrema destra globali” by Leonardo Bianchi (Solferino). Followed by Pegah Moshir Pour with “The Night Over Tehran” (Garzanti) and Maria Cafagna with “Bad Teachers. Women in Technicolor Who Influenced an Entire Generation” (Sperling & Kupfer editore). Friday 12 July at 8:00 pm we start with “Love Harder. Iranian Girls Walk Ahead of Us” by Barbara Stefanelli, deputy editor of the «Corriere della Sera» and editor of the magazine «7». (Solferino). Followed by “He Who Wins Does Not Know What He Is Losing. Competition. Game. War” by semiologist and journalist Stefano Bartezzaghi (Bompiani) and “Divorce. History and Images of the Referendum That Changed Italy” by Edoardo Novelli and Gianandrea Turi (Carocci editore). Saturday 13 July the final evening will start at 8:00 pm with a meeting on sustainable and inclusive political communication, and will continue with the presentation of the book “Malcolm X and Martin Luther King. The Bee and the Dove” by the philosopher Gianluca Briguglia (Einaudi) and will conclude with the presence of the journalist Marco Damilano, a regular guest of the event.

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