Italy 24 Press News

Pesaro, the debut of the PD mayor: “We need to integrate the drug dealers”

I pusher “wateror integrated into the world of work». Here: after the defense of illegal occupations, we were missing the justification of the drug dealers. Which in fact promptly arrived. Thus, less than two weeks after his election, the mayor of Pesaro, the dem Andrea Biancani, he lets something slip. What triggered the controversy were some of his statements on the conditions of Miralfiore Park, where the body of a 44-year-old was recently found, probably dead of an overdose.

Biancani entrusted the words that outraged the local centre-right to Rest of the Pug. When asked specifically about the measures to be adopted to combat crime, with particular reference to the events in Miralfiore Park, the mayor responded that “if there are drug dealers it is because there are people who buy drugs”.

And then he added: «The pushers have nothing to lose, they are often foreigners. They must be integrated into the world of work because we need to recover these people who live illegally.” So here is the phrase that triggered reactions from the right. For the Lega the mayor’s words on drug dealing are «disconcerting and disturbing“. “In what world does an expert politician live who, as a new mayor, in front of citizens who have been complaining for years, instead of fighting open-air drug dealing, launches into declarations of do-goodism, tolerance and integration, even disavowing those actions taken up to now on the issue of security and drug dealing in Pesaro?”, continues the note from the League, which brands the mayor’s declarations as “a mix of ideology and trivializations that highlights a strong inadequacy of method and vision in the face of the problem of security and prevention”.

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«A pusher on average earns from 2,500 euros a month upwards. What job does Biancani intend to offer them to integrate them and bring them on the right path?» the city councilor asks provocatively Mark Lanziof the Pesaro Svolta list.

For his part, the mayor was quick to reject the criticism, accusing the center-right of having distorted the meaning of his statements. «Generalizing and talking about “pushers to be integrated” does not fully summarize my thoughts, but those who today are indignant about my words, appropriately exploitedhe has a lot of courage, being part of political forces that have always shouted, with populist slogans, to fight illegality but that have never actually done anything” replied the mayor.

“Illegality must be fought, without ifs or buts. And it is clear that those who deal must be put in prison, this is not up for discussion. But the real problem, which the government is unable to fight, is the permanence of these people in prison, who often find themselves free after a few days, often making all the daily efforts of the police in vain”, added Biancani. “I will never pass the buck to others and I believe that constant dialogue with all the parties involved is needed”, added the mayor and former vice president of the regional council.

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But once it was raised, the dust reached Rome. From where the honourable member of Fdi, Antonio Baldelliexpressed strong criticism. «Even the Pesaro left seems to embrace the “Salis model”. What the mayor said about drug dealing in Miralfiore park and the desire to “integrate” drug dealers is particularly serious. Totally out of place considering that less than three days ago the body of a 44-year-old was found, most likely dead from an overdose, and for the devastating message of impunity that he sends to the entire Pesaro community», said the parliamentarian. Who added: «You can’t lend a hand to those who sell death. Mayor Biancani really has a strange idea, I would say distorted, of legality and safety in the city. If this is the debut, I fear for the near future of Pesaro. But I hope for a serious reflection».

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