Italy 24 Press News

Weather Alessandria, forecast for tomorrow Sunday 30 June

The forecast for Sunday 30th June at Alexandria provide variable conditions throughout the day. In the morning, overcast skies with the possibility of light rain, while in the afternoon and evening scattered clouds are expected with cloud cover that will gradually decrease.

During the Nightthe sky will be partly cloudy with temperatures hovering around +18°C. The morning It will start with few clouds and a temperature that will gradually rise until it reaches +24°C with the possibility of light rain. In the afternoonthe clouds will thin out and the maximum temperature will be around +26°C. Infine, in eveningthe sky will be cloudy with temperatures around +20°C.

The wind will blow mainly from the south with variable intensity during the day, while humidity will remain high, settling around 90%No significant precipitation is expected, except for light rain during the morning.

Based on the current weather forecast, for the next few days ad Alexandria Stable weather conditions are expected, with partially cloudy skies and temperatures that will remain at values ​​similar to those on Sunday. However, it is advisable to monitor weather updates for any sudden changes in weather conditions.

All weather data for Sunday 30 June in Alessandria

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